Example sentences of "had [verb] [pers pn] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The funny man who had found her on a distant planet and had treated her as a human being .
2 The reason was that the employer had taken no effective steps to end the practice and yet suddenly , and without proper warning , had treated it as a sufficient ground for dismissal .
3 Addressing a press conference on June 23 , French Finance Minister Pierre Bérégovoy said that while some countries favoured associate membership for the Soviet Union , others had regarded it as a transitional status .
4 By an effort of memory she could just recall a time when money had been plentiful , and her father — then strong and well — had spent it with a gay extravagance which had delighted her as a small child .
5 He indicated to Haussmann that the form of the railway station , a huge open space covered by glass , had impressed him as a possible model and as a result of the Emperor 's predilections , and Baltard 's skill , the great new market of Les Halles was built in a light , airy combination of iron , stone and glass .
6 Mrs Nowak had impressed her as a strong woman , a woman inclined to fantasy perhaps , but resilient and not inclined to despair .
7 He had seemed certain to become the first black Tory MP , representing Cheltenham — Norman Tebbit had tipped him as the first black cabinet minister and there 'd even been the odd hint that he might one day inhabit No 10 .
8 Every officer must have noticed the figurines , yet no-one had considered them as a possible murder weapon .
9 He could only assume that , being unaware of his true status as a DIA agent , the DEA and its oversight agency , the FBI , had seen him as a soft target , and framed the passport violation charge as a means of silencing an awkward witness without realizing who he was or the damage they were doing .
10 And she , too , had something of the precision and contrived charm of a doll with an almost round head poised ’ on a long delicate neck , a snub nose with a splatter of freckles , a small mouth with a full upper lip beautifully curved and a bristle of cropped hair , originally fair but with bright orange tips which caught the sun and trembled in the breeze so that the whole head seemed for a moment to have a vivid life separated from the rest of her body and , the image changing , he had seen her as a bright exotic flower .
11 Chamberlain had seen it as an ideal way of combining the efficient running of Birmingham with improving its water supplies , housing and city centre .
12 The hedgehog itself was 19 stitches wide and she had saved it as a 23-stitch pattern repeat .
13 Fashion editors had used it as an exotic background to collections of fabulous clothes .
14 When he had taken up with Jessica he had recognised her as a wild Ulster girl , and had respected her for it .
15 It was not until the oriental had addressed the armed newcomer with the blackened face , that the two youngsters had recognised him as the private detective Brett Grant .
16 I went to Dubai and called on several prominent figures who had known him as a local businessman .
17 He had found him as a young officer in the Prenzlauer Berg division when he was no more than eighteen , but he already had a considerable appetite for the harsh and cruel police work that the Stasi required .
18 He had inherited it as an agreeable but mildly onerous responsibility , together with her considerable fortune .
19 The Shah had imagined it as a modern version of the Congress of Vienna of 1815 , where the rulers of the world could meet and discuss matters of great import .
20 Everything about the odd relic suggested that Morthen had left it as a deliberate sign .
21 However , whereas Chatterjee had left it as an interesting hypothesis , Jones and Palmer had designed an experiment right away to try and simulate the effect in the lab .
22 If people had taken me as a sincere , genuine man who was worried , I think we could have avoided all that has happened .
23 Perhaps she had scarcely heard them , or had taken them as a mere mechanical rejoinder to her own ‘ Do n't hate me ’ .
24 Surely she had taken it as an ill omen ?
25 With the outbreak of hostilities , it had been too strategically placed for alien ownership , and the king had reclaimed it as a royal demesne .
26 Western statesmen had perceived it as a Soviet device to prise the United States and Western Europe apart .
27 He had chosen it as a desperate , populist issue , yet the audience was even cooler than the unenthusiastic crowds the embattled Democrat had faced elsewhere .
28 ‘ When Estwick passed on the fact that Jones had mentioned you as a possible candidate for this job and your previous experience confirmed that you were amply qualified to do it , I thought — what the hell !
29 Within a year of his appointment he had managed to sever the College from the Ministry of Education and had established it as an independent foundation with its own College Council .
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