Example sentences of "had [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had once been a well , serving the monastery , but when the Red Guards had come they had filled it with broken statuary , almost to its rim , and now the water — channelled from the hills above by way of an underground stream — rose to the lip of the well .
2 In the past , the orthodox approach had been to take these literally , while the rationalists had dismissed them as arbitrary fiction .
3 Gandhi was enchanted by the viceroy 's frankness , and recalled to him that Smuts had treated him with similar candour , recognizing , as he said , the justice of his claim on a certain issue , but advancing unanswerable reasons from the point of view of government why it was impossible to meet .
4 The decision arose from a claim lodged with the ECJ by a group of mainly Spanish-owned fishing companies , employing vessels registered as British , that amendments to the UK 1988 Merchant Shipping Act which excluded 95 of their vessels from British waters were illegal under EC law and had exposed them to financial ruin .
5 This , followed by a pint of the Skein of Geese 's execrable ale and an overheard conversation between two gin-guzzling county ladies concerning the merits of shorter hemlines , had plunged him into abject misery .
6 On one occasion when he had arranged it with elaborate care , he charged a colleague who brushed against him in a narrow passage , destroying the structure of his toga .
7 Deng 's developmentalist stance had not always endeared him to Mao , but had aligned him to some extent with Premier Zhou , who also saw overly radical , leftist policies as a threat to China 's economic and social development .
8 It was the first time Carolyn had heard her without that note of irony in her voice .
9 The MPs said Mr Clarke had received them with great sympathy and had promised to take time to consider every possible factor which could strengthen the town 's security .
10 The River Thames had received them with some kindness , not passing on to them hepatitis or typhoid or any of the other plagues its waters might be carrying .
11 He fixed his mind on a rule his father had given him for public speaking : Get a vague plan and then say anything that comes into your head .
12 Meryl had joined them with some reluctance after the welcoming address , but the moment had been well chosen ; Anthea and the professor had been deep in conversation with an eager group of ladies from Leicester , leaving Meryl momentarily alone .
13 Sarah had joined them through another miracle , a cloak thrown by Mary Jacobus which upheld her feet on the water .
14 She had been outraged when her husband left for another woman , had addressed him with religious vehemence and spoken of hell , but as time passed she had realised that life was very much more pleasant without him , that he was generous with money , and so she had , not forgiven , but ceased to revile him ; and I know she found grim amusement in my stepmother 's harassed countenance and the irritating ways of her two small children .
15 What could be anticipated with confidence was the beneficial results of redistribution , for Unionists had expected them for some time .
16 I had expected them at that stage to do the decent thing and wait for us to catch up but , smelling their first blood of the season , they continued in much the same fashion and eventually ran out 7–0 victors .
17 I had expected it at some point .
18 They were continual concrete evidence of the sleight of hand which had conjured me from one world to another .
19 How many days it was out of service and this that and the other and erm they used to send us an invoice on the mileage run because at the same time we knew what tyres were on the bus we had to inform them of any tyre changes and they kept records the same as us .
20 Germon and Shane Thomson are two of the gentlemen of New Zealand cricket , and one run later Germon took Thomson 's word for it that he had caught him at extra cover , and walked .
21 But she had earned them on sheer merit .
22 If the words had chilled her at first hearing it was more because of the cold light they cast on the woman 's most intimate life than for any reference to her own innocence .
23 Nothing in his many years ' service had prepared him for this sort of situation .
24 Shocking as the assault had been , it had prepared her for another encounter — an encounter with a youth of her own age , bewildered and uneasy , one called to high estate who found himself of a sudden alone on the edge of an abyss …
25 The others realised the error at precisely the same moment , and the subsequent racing back along the track towards each other could have been useful in Doctor Zhivago if someone had shot it in slow motion .
26 This happened first in Germany , when Georg Siemens , the founder and head of Germany 's premier bank , Deutsche Bank , saved the electrical apparatus company his cousin Werner had founded after Werner 's sons and heirs had mismanaged it into near collapse .
27 Delaunay felt that the basis of his art was ‘ simultaneous ’ contrasts of colour , a concept which he adopted from Chevreul , whose colour theory had interested him for some time .
28 When he handled her breasts they were tender ; she had noticed it for some time .
29 So impassive and peculiar had the Collector become , so obviously on the verge , everyone thought so ( you would have thought so yourself if you had seen him at this time ) , of giving up the ghost , that his face was scrutinized more closely than ever for any trace of remorse as the gorse bruiser was carried out .
30 A witness had seen him in deep water , shouting and waving for help .
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