Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] with a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She showed me the marks on the back of her knuckles and her wrist where that bitch had walloped her with a rod of some sort , right from the first day . ’
2 The excitement of this first fall of rain had filled her with a desire that things should be different , that she should be happy again .
3 Until then they had treated him with a mixture of sympathy as a man caught up , by line of duty , in a political imbroglio , and suspicion at what he might do to make things worse .
4 The latest investigations also relate to incidents in 1988 when Mrs Mandela had returned to Soweto after years of banishment by the authorities to a remote town in the Orange Free State and had surrounded herself with a bodyguard of ‘ football club ’ thugs .
5 And the dear , good man had designed Almsmead , in the centre of a green field ; had surrounded it with a rose-garden ; given her apple trees and a lily-pond ; a trellised , covered walk down to the river with its clear , clean water in which she could see smooth pebbles and little silvery fishes instead of the slime and gas bubbles and dead cats one saw — if one had the stomach to look — in Frizingley 's canal .
6 I killed her as surely as if I had stabbed her with a knife , shot her with a gun , squeezed her neck between my hands .
7 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
8 He said that ‘ the powers that be ’ had presented him with a summons and the Protestant people had presented him with that book and he thought a parallel could be drawn between the two .
9 Anand made the announcement after student leaders had presented him with a petition calling for the lifting of martial law .
10 He turned to a small cabinet mounted high on the kitchen wall , and in a moment had presented her with a glass of water and two white capsules that she swallowed obediently and not without relief .
11 A few weeks later I had a letter from them , saying another man had visited them with a barn owl , but it was n't as good as Dawn .
12 ‘ Feeling ill , poor darling , ’ Ian had told him with a hint of malice underlying his display of concern .
13 A mole working inside Cranborne School had supplied them with a mailing-list of all Muslim parents whose children had been rejected by ‘ This is a Christian Country ’ Gyles , the Junior School headmaster , and Robert and Maisie had been through the telephone directory , picking out anyone with a Muslim-sounding name .
14 A police inspector in Scotland Yard who owed him a favour — a slight matter of some indiscreet letters — had supplied him with a list of known criminals in Dublin , as well as a separate listing of all known Republican sympathizers .
15 Streets which had looked short on the map seemed endless when one had to walk them with a suitcase .
16 It was their own indolence which had landed them with a murder which could probably be explained and might even have been prevented , if they had taken a bit more trouble .
17 The secret that lay between them , those minutes when he had held her shaking body against the tree trunk and stared into her eyes , compelling obedience , had bound them with a cord so strong that it could n't be frayed , either by the enormity of their shared guilty secret , or by the small rubs of living together .
18 Later he became less abusive and rather pathetically said that he kept himself to himself , that the girl was not roaming the streets getting into trouble like the girls who went to school , that company now would be cruel and shameful to an old man who had provided her with a home , protected her and looked after her in every way .
19 The wardrobe had provided her with a vest of padded cotton , but for some reason she would n't wear it .
20 His killer , a 16-year-old hired assassin who was wounded and captured , later claimed that a stranger had provided him with a submachine gun and directed him to kill the UP leader .
21 We had to do this because some chucklehead had provided him with a typist 's chair on castors and every time the truck turned left he did a circuit of the flat-back , sending everybody else flying .
22 Mrs. Bidwell , the Laboratory cleaner , had insisted on visiting her broom cupboard , under escort , and had provided herself with a feather duster and a couple of rags with which she made a vigorous onslaught on the bookshelves .
23 Me dad had hit us with a belt , that 's why I ended up in a home .
24 It was said that nature had endowed him with a penis some thirteen inches long and an insatiable sexual appetite — so much so that even in his teens his physical attributes were the delight of many local girls .
25 Poppy 's mouth had infected me with a disease of wanting and that was all I knew .
26 She had gone from happiness to misery and back again in what seemed no more than hours , and the speed of the changes had left her with a sense of unreality that she found impossible to shake off .
27 He was in charge of the drugstore , and Jennifer 's husband had left her with a habit or two .
28 Kurt Nicoll ignored medical advice not to ride after a practice crash on the factory KTM had left him with a rib injury .
29 It had left him with a feeling of self-satisfaction , a sense of having done something instead of standing helplessly in the shadows , aching with humiliation and guilty knowledge .
30 ‘ Simon 's childhood had left him with a feeling of inadequacy and a strong envious streak , which meant he found it difficult to live with the idea of an associate being better than him .
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