Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 The Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial were in interlocking ownership ; but the first Lord Rothermere , one of the founders ( in 1903 , when the Mirror was to be for women , edited by women — the women failed , and sacking them , the Harmsworths ' henchman said , was like drowning kittens ) had dispersed his shares on the Stock Exchange in 1931 .
2 At that time — at least to start with — we could pick up some of those who had been the least successful in their school careers , often because they had turned their backs on the opportunities open to them , and provide the first steps towards training and employment .
3 The Young Conservatives had turned their backs on the enemy , broken through the police cordon and forced their way into the hotel .
4 As night fell they had turned their backs on the rush and excitement of the Expo and returned to the old Seville where they had dined by candlelight in a small pavement café and watched the world rush by .
5 Orchis is Greek for testicle , which is what the roots look like , and Lydia had told the company so , because Mrs Molesworth , gazing fondly and favourably on her husband , had divulged that he had bought her orchids on the recent occasion of their wedding anniversary .
6 He said the other boy had gone into the dormitory and he had had his fingers on the door surround when the door , which had a power unit attached to it , had started to swing shut .
7 The report came amidst speculation that radical factions supported by Khalkhali had intensified their attacks on the government for its policy of rapprochement with the West .
8 Presumably he had used his wiles on the pretty blonde receptionist on duty to elicit this information , which would explain why he was here on the fifth-floor landing harassing her .
9 This year , as well as his old regulars , the Hoflins , Busacher , and old Anton , the répétiteur from Vienna , he had invited his friends on the theatre committee who had assisted so nobly in quelling the Gesner revolt , and Luiza , Freddi and Alfred , who came nearly every year but not so often they took it for granted .
10 And a lot of times , particularly after shooting in the east , they were cut off from getting to Damascus so they had to put their tapes on the boat to Larnaca and up-link it from Cyprus .
11 Many had pinned their hopes on the Renewal Movement and found it wanting .
12 In later years the truth came out how two of the tailors apprentices had spent their wages on the Saturday night
13 ‘ We had to keep our hands on the reins at that point in the race though we were still allowed to carry the whip and use it to prevent horses running out , refusing , or causing accidents .
14 The noise of the incoming tide had interrupted their games on the sand further out in the estuary .
15 Once they had set their feet on the path they tumbled down bold and bouncy as puppies .
16 And all this while , from behind her mourning veil , she had fixed her eyes on the inner door , and watched for revelations from within .
17 When the pain receded , he shaded the torch with his hand and switched it on : the rusting fragments of a disembowelled car were strewn in the bushes ; he had barked his legs on the side of a door which protruded on to the path .
18 He gave warning that the longer the Council of Ministers waited before taking a decision on the former , the more time trading partners had to change their minds on the latter .
19 Passengers who had left their vehicles on the car deck had crowded at the rails on the upper deck .
20 He had thrown his clothes on the floor , spilled his food , deliberately kicked over the stinking pail in the first weeks and suffered terribly for his defiance .
21 Fielding Goodney , with all kinds of developments : a " dream script " had come through from Doris Arthur , Caduta Mass and Butch Beausoleil had put their signatures on the line , Spunk wanted in , Lorne wanted out — Lorne Guyland was going crazy , or was staying that way .
22 The policeman waited until Whitlock had put his hands on the police car then used his foot to spread his legs .
23 Speaking to the Herald and Post this week , Brian Wilson said they had submitted their views on the document to the board at the end of last week .
24 She well , she had to have her tiles on the floor of hers .
25 Even then he had not liked to look into it too much but had kept his eyes on the ground or straight ahead of him because the wood was the kind of place you saw in story-book illustrations or even in your dreams and out of which things were liable to come creeping .
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