Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Luca Giordano , Elisa went on , thinking that she had placed her hosts at a disadvantage , was a particular favourite of hers and she could easily see why he was regarded as one of Naples ' finest painters .
2 It was the first time , since the 1916 split , that all the major political leaders within the Liberal Party — David Lloyd George , Sir Herbert Samuel and Sir John Simon — had placed their names upon a major economic report .
3 Lloyd & Co. had received their instructions from a member of Mr. Mahdi 's group who apparently described himself as the ‘ foreign minister ’ of the Somali Republic .
4 She had given her kisses to a clown , he wrote , and was much gratified when MacBride turned out to be a drunken bully .
5 There was only one way in , by the drawbridge and the gate-towers ; he had racked his brains for an alternative , but there was none , short of procuring an ally within the walls , and that idea he did not entertain for a moment .
6 On Oct. 31 , NATO officials in Brussels disclosed that France had dropped its objections to a pan-European security " forum " .
7 Sophia Arkwright did not give the details , which Paul was to learn later ; the madman had slashed his wrists with a razor which a careless attendant had left within reach .
8 More than five years of rebellions and civil war had honed his instincts to a fine edge , and he knew better than to ignore them .
9 Whitely has in his book The Theology of the New Testament a powerful image of an officer in the war who had to lead his troops across a dangerous minefield .
10 He had to relegate his criticisms to a position of secondary importance for the sake of his allegiance to the communist party …
11 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
12 Many children were actually sold by masters into slavery in pits — Parents actually had to sell their children into a life of misery .
13 She felt as if someone had wrapped her thoughts in a blanket Reasoning seemed difficult ; actions were a major effort .
14 And right from day one , from the day Emily had been born , Josey had offered her services as a child-minder .
15 Mrs Lewis had got his shorts in a bag .
16 If , instead , the tax payers had sold their shares for a larger amount , sufficient to enable them to repay the loans , they are likely to have been personally better off , because of indexation allowance to reduce the additional gain deriving from the sale of the shares , and because they would not have suffered an income tax charge under either ss421 or 160 .
17 Fifteen of the monkeys had tied their tails into a giant knot and had to be anaesthetised while a vet took 20 minutes to undo it .
18 Steinar Bastesen , head of the Association , had invited his countrymen to a whale hunt on July 4 ; " then you will eat whale meat until you puke " he said .
19 She had raised her hands in a sudden fluttering gesture .
20 Ockleton had raised his hands in a placatory gesture .
21 Kenya , one of its main strongholds , could still boast of a 20,000 strong population at the end of the 1960s , but over the next decade , poaching on an unprecedented scale — mainly by Somali bandits armed with AK 47s — had reduced their numbers to a few hundred .
22 But that 's no consolation for thirty seven skilled workers who up until now had pinned their hopes on a management buy out , but now find themselves out of work .
23 The great triumphs of molecular biology have come about because the research groups centrally involved in the experimental programmes of the 1950s and 1960s had concentrated their efforts on a single simple organism , the common gut bug Escherichia coli .
24 Brian , who had shared my experiences as a child in Abyssinia , had no desire to return there .
25 He and I , together with that great boy , my father , had spent our lives in a world of eternal boyhood , being good chaps and climbing or sailing .
26 Benjamin looked in desperation at the gatehouse of St Bartholomew 's Priory : the balcony was already full of important , well-dressed people who had brought their children for a day out ; they had also brought sugared apples , dishes of marzipan and jugs of wine to make their enjoyment complete .
27 The head of the British liaison mission reported that Yoshida had indicated his views on a peace treaty and associated issues :
28 He could choose where to strike while Henry had to disperse his forces in an attempt to guard the whole of his long frontier .
29 He also announced that in its referendum campaign the CP would be working with the neo-fascist Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( AWB ) which had reversed its plans for a boycott of the vote .
30 Jane had removed her specs for a short myopic rest , but now put them on again , quickly .
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