Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] [prep] [pron] own " in BNC.

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1 In an instant Merrill 's anger had consumed itself by its own intensity .
2 By 1632 they had installed themselves in their own Hall , Cobham House in Blackfriars , where they embarked upon regularizing their trade and setting examinations for their Apprentices .
3 He had rescued her in his own way , he had swept away the bitterness and the hurt , but he had added a hurt of his own too .
4 She had written to him while he was in prison but had received no reply , but then she had excused him in her own mind , telling herself he would be free soon , then he would come home to her and make her his bride .
5 You could not call what Lugh had done gossip , because he had done it for their own good .
6 Attendance at the ball indicated considerable standing in the adult world and he had a sudden savage desire to show his parents , who would be there , that he had made it on his own , without any help from them .
7 At last , as though he had answered it in his own mind , he said ‘ What is the unicorn ? ’
8 From her own questioning she had made sure that Mr Miller bought only the best puppies from reliable breeders and , in turn , she had told him of her own circumstances .
9 She had to hear it from his own lips , even if it meant that part of her died .
10 Because Vitor had thanked him in his own language , the waiter took them both to be fellow compatriots and proceeded to chatter away in Portuguese , remarking on the sunny weather , suggesting choices of food and wine , complimenting them on Thomas 's cuteness and good behaviour .
11 Letterman implies that he had to divorce her for her own good ; he could not bear to see so much life force confined in marriage .
12 Bultmann was primarily a New Testament scholar , and his theological position , once he had settled it to his own satisfaction , remained more or less inflexible thereafter .
13 I had to finish it on my own , of course . ’
14 The economists advising Beveridge had converted him to their own views , which Beveridge described as ‘ the socialisation of demand ’ .
15 He had subjected himself to his own personal therapy , requiring himself to sit alone in a hospital room and speak of those happenings aloud .
16 Somehow he felt that she had beaten him at his own game of keeping things on a cool level .
17 She had reached the landing by this stage of her deliberations , remarking , as she did so , that the fitted carpet , which had covered them in her own time , had gone .
18 She had comforted herself with her own severity .
19 On the other hand , I had to prove it to my own satisfaction and I hailed a cab to the next corner .
20 You either got tuck boxes from home or you had to supplement it with your own earnings , which , ten shillings a week .
21 She had expected pain , almost welcomed it as the payment for ridding herself of her despised virginity which had labelled her in her own mind as undesired — unloved .
22 ‘ Tarts ’ was how she had described them in her own mind .
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