Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] [noun sg] through the " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , when he had slurped his way through the two cheeseburgers and large French fries , polished off an apple pie and a strawberry milkshake , he got out of the car and walked over to a litter-disposal unit .
2 I felt a lump in my throat as I looked down at the first grave , the Balmoral on the cross was torn at the front as if a piece of shrapnel had smashed its way through the badge and into the soldier 's head .
3 Gomez had earned his status through the calm weight of his personality as much as by his physical strength and the inevitable accuracy of his firepower .
4 He had carried his bat through the innings , the first to do so for England at Lord 's , thus winning another campaign medal of note .
5 While one had climbed on the bonnet , another had pushed his hand through the open window on Mick 's side .
6 In the other case , where a wife killed her husband , there was widespread coverage when a judge decided not to jail a 25-year-old civil servant who had shot her husband through the heart just a week after their marriage .
7 Madame interrupted with a seven-minute lecture summarising the economics of the real Marguerite Gautier 's career , explaining exactly how and why she had made her way through the Paris of the 1840s with such skill and courage …
8 When construction , or rather demolition began , thousands of people had to wend their way through the mud and debris to get from their homes in the south of the city to their work in the north or to the shops and market .
9 Although he was acquitted on one count of assault and another of filing a false police report , the jury had been unable to reach a decision on the charge that Powell had abused his authority through the use of excessive force .
10 By that time , the French had already built an extensive network in North Africa , the Uganda Railway was under construction , the Germans had begun their railways in both Tanganyika and South West Africa , and the British had driven their railway through the Sudan as part of their reconquest of the upper Nile .
11 We sailed across the Aegean to Izmir , which till recently had been called Smyrna ; and the captain told me how , a few years earlier , as he entered the port , his ship had nosed her way through the floating corpses of Greeks massacred by the Turks .
12 Now and then , Kitty would volunteer to do a couple of hours ' work on the barrow , but once she had eaten her way through the day 's profits she would soon disappear .
13 Some of those who stuck with the rebellion had to force their way through the Tory crowd and shake off the intimidation .
14 You had to force your way through the flow of MPs to get to the No lobby and I had to force my way through to get to the No lobby .
15 Until 1977 the Secretary of Nigeria 's Educational Research Council had to battle his way through the appalling Lagos traffic from Apapa to Lagos Island if he wanted to consult with his Permanent Secretary or Chief Federal Adviser .
16 Above the sink , ivy had burrowed its way through the walls and was now spreading in profusion towards the ceiling .
17 Plays about the fractured consciousness of working-class kids who had fought their way through the old class system , emerged on top , and still felt dissatisfied , still realizing that nothing had changed back where they came from , or where they had arrived .
18 Inside the single-storey building a leathery-faced , middle-aged white woman hacked with a kind of parang at branches of flame trees which had worked their way through the open windows .
19 Yuan had worked his way through the crowd and now he ducked under Tulagai 's arm .
20 ‘ What 's happened , Mr Gooseneck ? ’ asked Amiss , when he had worked his way through the first stage of what was one of the best breakfasts he 'd ever had in his life .
21 I felt a strong feeling of nausea as I realised that I had put my hand through the chest of a dead British soldier that could have been lying in the ditch for several days .
22 These doors were now firmly closed , but they had opened several times since Zen 's arrival , admitting a succession of visitors who had forced their way through the mass of bodies and expectant faces in the corridor outside , sweltering under television lights and waving microphones in front of anyone who appeared .
23 The knights had forced their way through the gap and along the wall to the steps leading to the parapet above the main gate .
24 Refused admission by the front door , he had forced his way through the back — ; and with quite terrifying violence .
25 He was an impetuous , but not naturally a brave , man and explained that he had lost his audacity through the brutality of an early schoolmaster .
26 When they had edged their way through the crowd to the far end of the burrow , Hazel was surprised to realize that Silverweed was a mere youngster .
27 Mr George Daszczuk was pinned to the ground and mauled for 15 minutes as he was set upon by the two dogs , which had chewed their way through the wooden door of a garage they were guarding .
28 The taxi , an old Moskvich with torn upholstery , had laboured its way through the gears into Tobolsk , to the square brick police station that lay in the centre .
29 Under the terms of the pardon , the commander was not empowered to accept Macdonald 's submission and the old man had to make his way through the blizzard to Inveraray .
30 Rescuers had to cut their way through the chassis of the mangled coach to reach the dead and injured .
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