Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 It is submitted that it would be ill-advised to treat such statements made in one House after the Bill had completed its passage in the other House as an expression of the intention of , in the words of Lord Browne-Wilkinson , ‘ Parliament as a whole ’ .
2 Mr Bumble had completed his business in the city , and had just finished a most satisfactory meal in a pub .
3 Sleeping lightly as always in the early hours , she had heard his key in the lock , his foot on the stairs , before drifting again into sleep .
4 Being a lazy lad , much given to the idea of rising late when given half a chance , he had delayed his arrival in the world until 1 January .
5 She was perplexed ; she had sensed his interest in the bar downstairs .
6 He was immediately released from his confinement , but he was still liable to the man who had given him credit in the belief he could keep his promise to pay later .
7 He told Mrs Edwards her son had given his life in the service of humanity and his sacrifice had not been in vain .
8 He told Mrs Edwards that her son had given his life in the service of humanity .
9 Chambers , for his part , had given his endorsement in the book : ‘ During the case Nixon and his family were at our farm , encouraging me and comforting my family .
10 When I said how much I had enjoyed his performance in the title role in Uncle Vanya , he snorted , ‘ Oh , did you .
11 I had rebuilt her box in the bottom of the treadmill .
12 Two months before the meeting Mann had resigned his seat in the Lok Sabha in protest at , among other things , the government 's refusal to allow a state legislature to be elected .
13 A forcible demonstration of Castro 's changed attitude was given on 21 October when he ordered the arrest of his former companion-in-arms , the charismatic Major Huber Matos , Commander of Camaguey Province ( an area where there was significant resistance to the new regime ) , who had resigned his commission in the Rebel Army in protest at the increasing Communist influence in the revolution .
14 She had met her connection in the usual place but the moment the deal was struck they were busted by three plainclothes policemen who had been watching them from an unmarked car on the opposite side of the road .
15 Remembering how General Steiner had met his end in the Gestapo cellars at Prinz Albrechtstrasse , it seemed likely to Schellenberg that Himmler might have other reasons .
16 During their ‘ strange relationship ’ , Bryan had shot his friend in the chest with a crossbow , hit him on the head with a medieval mace and slashed at him with a sword , the judge heard .
17 Although these had seen their origin in the reign of Henry IV , it was to be in his son 's brief reign that something of a revolution ( whose effects , however , were not to last ) took place .
18 I had seen his name in the list of members of the Society , or something like that .
19 Belinda knew this because she had seen his photograph in the social pages of the newspaper more than once .
20 PC Jones said he had not provoked Gore but had seen his attacker in the pub on occasions .
21 On the very narrowest level , it seemed to him , Rudolf Hess must be a gold mine of strategic information , although the experts at SIS had said his position in the Nazi hierarchy was not perhaps all it had been or appeared to be .
22 Maria shook her head , still trying to reassemble the thoughts she had lost hold of when she had made her discovery in the lift .
23 Though the single-break flat-lidded coffin had made its entrance in the last quarter of the sixteenth century — the lead shell of Lady Elizabeth Howard ( d.1591 ) with appliqué lettering at Withyham , Sussex , is of this type , as is the pictorial representation of Sir Henry Unton 's 1596 coffin in the Unton portrait at the National Portrait Gallery , as well as a small sculptural representation of a coffin on the 1615 mural monument to Susan Kinges at Morston , Norfolk — the single-break gable-lidded shell seems to have been more popular .
24 It was n't until much later that Sidney E. Berger , curator of manuscripts at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester , Massachusetts , explained to me that the word had made its début in the Tarzan movies .
25 The civil servant on Plowden 's team in charge of the power station construction programme was F. W. ( ‘ Bomber ’ ) Smith , who had made his name in the War by successfully stepping up aircraft production in Beaverbrook 's celebrated Ministry .
26 As chairman of the British Railways Board ( 1963–5 ) , Beeching had made his reputation in the public sector by the impressive way he had tackled the thankless job of modernizing the outdated rail network .
27 Only a sharp expression in the eyes suggested how he had made his way in the do-or-die world of modern publishing , where niceness gets you nowhere .
28 At 1600 hours WO2 Wilkinson gave some treatment to a fellow PTI Who had injured his back in the gymnasium trying to show off !
29 Professor Harvey , who predicted the introduction of milk quotas 10 years ago , said the industry had buried its head in the sand at that time .
30 Once the uniforms had told their version in the canteen , he would be a laughing stock .
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