Example sentences of "had [verb] [prep] [art] great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This whole area had blossomed as a great region for settlement , in which the Spanish language was steadily being forced upon the survivors of the original population and to which Spanish emigrants went out as regular reinforcements to maintain the conquests of Cones and Pizzano .
2 But this premise was there at that time and by oh I had to go to a great extent on a number of visits and they er granted it me on compassionate grounds and there 's er I was only looking in the back of there the other day and there 's one there now .
3 His head was buried in the sand , hands and feet spread out , as if he had fallen from a great height . ’
4 Last year an East India company in the tea trade had gone bankrupt , and the court found it had actually been insolvent for a quarter of a century — which had come as a great surprise even to the directors .
5 Her death had come as a great shock to him .
6 The industry had responded to the great challenge of a whole era of ‘ Busybodies and Meddlers ’ by not only cleaning up minor abuses but by becoming itself an agency of social improvement .
7 In a wartime bulletin of 1942 , staff were advised to urge customers to bring their own receptacles for food shopping , as they had done during the Great War .
8 The Bolsheviks proved in the Civil War that they could defend the minorities just as well , or indeed better than the Tsarist regime had done in the Great War .
9 And she smiled so nicely at Inchbad and Goibniu that everyone smiled back and thought it would be really very interesting to hear about some of the strange lands and the faraway worlds the Humans had visited from the great Feargach Grian , and also that it was always a shame to eat Humans when they were pretty and young and friendly .
10 Standing back from the main road , surrounded by green grass , was the memorial to those men of the village and the surrounding hamlets who had died during the Great War , and behind the memorial was the primary school which I was going to join in the course of the next few days .
11 So he had answered his own son , that time when Yuan had come to him with his dream — that awful nightmare he had had of the great mountain of bones filling the plain where the City had been .
12 The Maronites , who took their name from a fifth-century Syrian hermit , had emerged from the great division in the Byzantine Church over the single divine will of Christ .
13 It was the war which had led to the great increase in government patronage and hence also the potential for Court influence , and this was by and large a Whig war .
14 The inquiry had heard forensic details of each individual death but as Mark Smith reports the parents had hoped for a great deal more .
15 He had paused before the great mirror at the far end of the room , straightening the collar of his uniform jacket , when the door behind him opened .
16 As well as acting as a surrogate mum to the hedgehogs , Christine has also given physiotherapy to tortoises and given the kiss of life to a pet rabbit , which everyone thought had gone to the great hutch in the sky .
17 Murtach had learned of a great wolf pack that seemed to roam west of the Skriaig and had been seen by a few desperate hunters seeking deer beyond Ralarth 's borders .
18 My first visit to Vancouver had resulted in a great liking for the west coast , and I was determined to return .
19 The news had spread like the Great Plague as they gathered for Assembly , and underneath the frank , animal sensationalism of their reception of the news there was uncertainty , and fear .
20 Rain fell heavily all day to add to the misery of people who came in the shop , many of whom had lived through the Great War , and told Anne some of the horrors of that time .
21 He believed there was a future for Swanage and therefore he had striven for a great number of years to improve it — ( laughter ) — but he was very glad that those who came from afar were pleased and satisfied .
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