Example sentences of "had [verb] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ms Oruene claimed that the faculty had varied to her detriment the terms on which it granted membership .
2 That voice I 've missed wasting no time in telling me its owner had dined with my secretary the previous evening . ’
3 It might have been said that since one representative was absent they could not do anything about it , but the fact of the matter is they plainly had come to their decision the day before .
4 Between the date of Meehan 's conviction and his appeal a month later , Nicky told me , he had an astonishing piece of luck in that there had come into his possession a tape-recording of an interview with Griffiths taken some time previously for a programme the BBC had made at Gartree prison .
5 Once , like many Londoners , Alice had carried in her head a basic tube map , at least of inner London , but she had forgotten it .
6 He had incorporated into his empire the Ogaden , the town of Harar , the lands of the Galla tribes , the Gurage country , the ancient kingdom of Kaffa , and the Anuak and other tribes on the borders of the Sudan .
7 Winifred had sat for hours in those early days on the sofa , next to Marcus , who moved away , and like a parody of a mad religious discipline , abbreviated his answers , elongated his silences , until he had imposed on his mother a similar pattern of behaviour .
8 The reality represented the truth about movie-making itself , and a final shattering of all the illusions that had ever been presented to a cinema audience , for , seemingly , he had not realized that he had built into his masterpiece a piece of self-destruct mechanism .
9 She had turned on him again that remarkable glance in which for the first time he had detected to his discomfiture a brief flash of intelligence and of calculation .
10 In his own time he had been a maverick , and for being a maverick his grateful sovereign had pinned on his chest the gallantry medal of the Military Cross .
11 In the cases that followed ( ie the disposal of the whole of the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 3 ) ; a conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 4 ) ; and the conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to a third party ( Chapter 5 ) ) , once the husband had disposed of his interest no further tax considerations applied so far as the husband was concerned ( unless there was an element of gift involved in the conveyance not at arm 's length and the husband died within seven years , thus bringing in a charge to inheritance tax ) .
12 She had remembered from our dinner the week before .
13 She had inherited from her father a quick , enquiring mind and was hungry for knowledge beyond the skills possessed by the Romanies .
14 Inanna had inherited from her mother a particular form of behaviour to use when she was anxious or did n't want to do something .
15 William Boys of Battle , worth £30 in goods , had inherited from his father a lucrative business employing several waggoners and assistants , plus a leading position in the town hierarch .
16 A member for sixty-nine years of the Art Workers ' Guild , Frampton had inherited from his father a strong feeling for materials and a commitment to meticulous workmanship .
17 The British traveller and journalist , Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace , believed Alexander " had inherited from his father a strong dislike to sentimentalism and rhetoric of all kinds " and that " This dislike , joined to a goodly portion of sober common-sense , a limited confidence in his own judgment , and a consciousness of enormous responsibility , prevented him from being carried away by the prevailing excitement " with which his reign began .
18 But I was conscious of the sexual deviancies in the story , and I had fixed in my mind the idea of making the movie asexual .
19 The Chianti had gone to my head a little but I was a big lad and had done my share of experimenting with alcohol before , so the intoxication was n't too hard for me to handle .
20 In Cottee v. Douglas Seaton ( Used Cars ) Ltd. ( 1972 D.C. ) the court had to decide to what extent an honest man could be guilty under the section .
21 A woolly-jumpered Colin Wilson was photographed for the press in his Notting Hill bedsit and under the tree in Hampstead Heath where he had worked on his best-seller The Outsider , a paean to the existential rebel Wilson wished to be .
22 The night of the hollands had left in its wake the day of the doldrums at Blue Horizons .
23 She only had about fifty pence left from the money she had borrowed from her stepfather the day before , but she hoped that the young Italian barman , who fancied her , had not yet been sacked or moved on and would give her a margarita , free .
24 Even after this hiving-off the European Greens were not exactly monolithic , since , apart from the ideological differences within Die Grünen , they had taken under their wing an Italian who wanted the legalization of drugs and several small , otherwise homeless parties .
25 She had stopped undertaking her usual tasks within the home , was eating very little and had taken to her bed a few days previously and had not re-emerged .
26 A brand-new Tavern , redolent of fresh mortar and size , and fronting nothing at all , had taken for its sign The Rail way Arms ; but that might be rash enterprise — and then it hoped to sell drink to the workmen .
27 Claire Easterbrook , Senior Scientific Officer in the Biology Department and , with Lorrimer 's death , the senior biologist , had taken from her briefcase a scientific paper she had prepared on recent advances in blood grouping and settled down to revise it with as little apparent concern as if murder at Hoggatt 's were a routine inconvenience for which , prudently , she was always provided .
28 She had forced on her mother the excuse of a visit to a cousin in Whitehaven .
29 Siward , the man who had planned in his turn a fair dominion for himself and his offspring , and had seen his son die in the land of his rival .
30 When Jesus had returned to his Father the apostles did as he had told them and returned to the city .
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