Example sentences of "had [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Le Monde of Sept. 29 quoted Djohar as alleging that Mohamed Taki Abdoulkarim , whom he had dismissed as head of government on July 4 [ see p. 38996 ; for his appointment in January 1992 see pp. 38706-07 ] , was behind the Sept. 26 coup attempt .
2 Up in the short-term car-park at Terminal Two , Lewis had to drive from floor to floor before he found a slot in which to put the car .
3 Deutsche Bank , which arranged a Dm100m issue , and Geneva-based Warburg Soditic , which led two Swiss franc bonds , followed an example set by Credit Suisse which on Tuesday called the four issues it had arranged in Switzerland into default .
4 However , Coun. Mrs Town said the time restrictions would seriously hamper disabled people who often had to wait for lifts into town .
5 Read out aloud , it seemed to bear out word for word what Alfred Wells had recalled on oath in court .
6 The voice had veered from exasperation to incredulity .
7 No one had heard of access to ink print information in those days and as I was the only blind student there I did n't feel I had any support to ask for it to be made available .
8 Others may be in positions of trust not directly derived from full-time occupation , such as scout masters — SCOUT LEADER 'S CAMPING SHAME ( Star ) — as well as those in less formal and less-easily recognisable roles ; the headline Sex shame of ‘ uncle' ( Daily Mirror ) and text ( ‘ a mild-mannered clerk known by schoolboy train fans as Uncle Roland … took boys in the Rail Riders ’ Club on trips in Britain and Europe ’ ) shows how some offenders had eased into positions of trust with youngsters .
9 In the course of time the pirates turned merchants became a great hereditary patriciate , and Venice came to rule a mercantile empire much akin to that of ancient Athens , even in the end to acquire a large contado along and behind the Italian coast — but only after it had depended for centuries on piracy and trade for its food and livelihood .
10 The inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia had to contend with variations of climate , scorching winds , torrential rains , and devastating floods over which they had little control .
11 Chezery and Brenod were high in the mountains , at 5,000 and 4,000 feet respectively , and had to contend like Norway with snow cover for six months of the year .
12 We had stopped in Geysir for diesel and here it was , only three in the morning and we were half-way from the end of the road .
13 The prominence he had given to instruction in science had evidently made matters worse .
14 Poindexter 's conviction was quashed in a split two-to-one judgement on the grounds that the recollection of trial witnesses had been tainted by testimony which he had given before Congress under immunity in 1987 .
15 Sometimes informants and subsources in Lebanon had to go for weeks without pay because of budget cuts and red tape , El-Jorr complained , citing names , chapter and verse .
16 He explained to the blonde girl receptionist who controlled the executive suites that he had to go to Bruges on business .
17 Our children had to go to Chingford to school .
18 Lorna was a late substitute for Ewan Cameron ( now Northern regional sales centre ) who had to go to Skye on business .
19 Even in my limited experience I had seen people falling in and out of love , as though , soiled by sorrow and loss , they had to go in search of comfort from one used and lukewarm bath to another .
20 Two other men had travelled from Glasgow in order to be close by when the great event happened .
21 However , after changes in the housing benefit regulations , his substantial income had dropped , and he had fallen into arrears with mortgage payments and had been unable to sell the house .
22 Iraq 's Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait caused a dramatic increase in oil prices ; the " marker " price of North Sea Brent crude , which had fallen to $16.60 per barrel on June 5 , rose to $24 per barrel on Aug. 3 and passed $30 per barrel on Aug. 22 .
23 Where at that date , any payment was accruing due , ie where payment in arrears was stipulated , the creditor may prove for the amount which would have fallen due if the debt had accrued from day to day ( r 6.112(2) ) .
24 By the end of the fifteenth century many chantries had served their term : some had dissolved through lack of maintenance on the part of the families concerned , while others disappeared through amalgamation ; so that by the time of the suppression there were not more than 200 spread among the City churches .
25 Between these , gold-dark , dark-gold and violent pink , lay Lady Rose Martindale , solid but not fat or for in less , indeed very woman-shaped , in pink-and-brown striped silk bathing suit , with gold hair spattered softly over the brown flesh of her shoulders and whitish sand speckled on the gleam of her thighs where she had rolled from side to side .
26 However , although the boundary existed , its position had varied from case to case .
27 The Social Democratic Republican Party ( PRDS ) , the party with closest links to President Moaouia Ould Sidi Taya , was led by Sid Ahmed Ould Baba , who had resigned as Minister of Interior , Posts and Communications in July .
28 On Feb. 26 it was reported that Andras Galszecsy had resigned as Minister without Portfolio in charge of national security affairs .
29 I implored him not to , but he was adamant , thus following Rear Admiral Poland who had resigned from Muirfield in consequence of my being blackballed there ( ‘ it makes no sense at all ’ , he wrote to the secretary , ‘ that he can be accepted as a guest but blackballed as a member ’ ) : both were sacrifices for which I felt a personal responsibility and which caused me much distress .
30 Tapie had resigned in May as Minister for Towns amid an alleged business scandal [ see p. 38928 ] .
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