Example sentences of "had always been [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Movies had always been made about the past , of course , if not so very frequently about that immediate past whose primary unit of measure is the decade rather than the century ; but it was probably Visconti 's The Damned in 1969 that inaugurated what were to be the definitive parameters of a new filmic style .
2 His bullying tactics had always been reserved for the weaker sex , Virginia guessed bitterly .
3 Classification had always been based on the recognition of structural resemblances , and the advent of evolutionism merely transposed this enterprise into a search for real ( i.e. historical ) rather than purely formal relationships .
4 The Venetian ambassador complained that though the republic had always been treated as the equal of the kingdoms of Europe he had been offered a place which did not fully reflect this .
5 So said Lizzie and Maria and Ethel , whose marriages had always been conducted along the lines of a pitched battle .
6 In the Portuguese elections of 1984 , where I was an adviser , it was quite a problem — it had always been done from the second floor — so I suggested the flatbed truck concept that had been so successful in Malta .
7 He knew , too , that they had always been scared by the sight or sound of the Almighty : they were ‘ sore afraid ’ , a phrase which he understood to mean that their bodies hurt because their fear was so great .
8 Land reform had always been considered by the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party to be a means to an end , indeed it could provide a way forward for China on economic , social , communist and ideological grounds .
9 Planning had always been centred around the acquisition of a suitable building elsewhere , followed by its removal and re-erection .
10 In the past , such houses had always been offered to the National Trust , which had initially taken them without endowment , accepting instead an undertaking that the Ministry of Works would make good any deficit on repairs and maintenance through a Historic Buildings Council grant .
11 He had always been drawn to the sea , as is also evinced by his poems ; at Taranto he became a keen yachtsman .
12 At the diplomatic level , where the democracy movement of the last decade had always been belittled in the foreign embassy briefings , the delay in normalising relations with post-massacre Beijing was less due to disapproval than to doubt as to the future stability of the regime .
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