Example sentences of "had always [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Previous attempts to do this had always foundered on the fact that the fun usually resulted pretty soon in procreation but at this very time field trials of the contraceptive pill were taking place which would soon make the division practical and permanent for the first time in history .
2 But theoretically , the significance was still greater : the traditional Western bar on the ordination of the married had always applied to the diaconate as much as to the priesthood ( and for the same initial reason : marriage involving the practice of sex was regarded as causing pollution ) .
3 Dorothea had always believed in the idea of a new day , a new start , and always looked forward to something pleasurable in it .
4 Older , Clapham Sect- Christian Observer evangelicals who had always believed in the necessity of good deeds in the world for forming the true Christian heart , increasingly in the 1820s and 1830s regretted amongst younger ‘ ranters and ‘ noisy professors ’ , followers of the histrionic Edward Irving , a relative complacency about public activity beyond the conversion of individual souls .
5 Ellie had always believed in the truth .
6 Kathleen had always rushed for the post , even in the days when their father had laughed at her eagerness and stood above her as she scooped up the white and brown envelopes .
7 He had already completed his required 30 , but had always said from the start that he was going to be along on my last one , and he did it .
8 The people of Lewis saw no reason why they should not have their crofts and jobs as well , as they had always done since the boom days of the kelp industry .
9 Frequently a Georgian house which I had always seen from the road and considered to be all of one date , was revealed , when I came to knock on its door , to be purely a façade built on to a much earlier building .
10 She had never ridden a horse and , as she had always lived in the city , the opportunity to wander through native bush had never come her way .
11 The courts of sewers , which were abolished in 1930 , had always insisted on the principle : no benefit , no rates .
12 He said he had always worked for the benefit of his country and could not be held responsible for how the hard currency he procured was spent by its leaders .
13 He said he had always worked for the benefit of his country and could not be held responsible for how the hard currency he procured was spent by its leaders .
14 Giving herself a good talking to , and ruthlessly ignoring those silly , pathetic yearnings still buried deep in her subconscious , had always worked in the past .
15 A pain hardly eased by the discovery that her best friend and neighbour had always known about the mistress .
16 Like Hyndman , and the Webbs , Blatchford had always looked to the state as the main agency of social change .
17 And she cried out as a cascade of fireworks seemed to explode deep within her , before their bodies , now moving in perfect unison , recaptured the fierce , tumultuous pleasure they had always shared in the past — the total consummation which she had been denied for so long .
18 So you would still be able to identify targets but those targets may become a bit more general , I E because in the past the landlord as a class had always sided with the Kuomintang then i it gives you the opportunity to go back and attack them , almost the landlords per se in a way you could n't during the Japanese war because clearly loyal landlords were fighting the Japanese .
19 The malai propaganda machine had always lied about the scale of casualties in our earlier Civil War .
20 Up to now , he had always competed in the skating events and had escorted one of his classmates to the Teens ' Square Dance , held well away from the elegant ball .
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