Example sentences of "had made [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was seen by some as an attempt to improve his image abroad after remarks which he had made during the presidential election campaign to the effect that he was " untainted " with Jewishness .
2 He showed pictures of a recent trip he had made along the Cumbrian Way .
3 And so , she said , ‘ You seem to have been busy this morning , Isabel , ’ but absently remembering the bumping noises from above and the journeys her sister had made to the front sitting room ( locking the door after her ) and back again to the attic ( locking the door ) .
4 He did n't know ‘ what statement Mr. Gibbon had made to the other gentlemen or what reasoning they could have employed so as to sign a paper declaring the fact of urinous vomiting to be utterly impossible — here I must be at issue with them believing as I do … from my little physiological knowledge , that vomiting of urine for 26 weeks is by no means impossible … ’ .
5 In recognition of the enormous contribution that their Service had made to the successful conclusion of WWII , the Air Council set up after the war a war memorial committee .
6 He made a series of trips to Algeria reminiscent of those that he had made to the French provinces in the autumn of 1944 .
7 They said that something had to be done to put right the mess which the Government had made of the Self-Governing Schools etc .
8 The Foreign Office requested an assessment from the War Office in December 1949 to clarify or confirm the analysis the Foreign Office had made of the respective strength of the two sides .
9 On that first morning after transmission , none of the production team had the slightest idea of the impact the film — well , Hannah Hauxwell — had made on the general public .
10 The comprehensive victory of the National government showed how little impact fascism in particular and political extremism in general had made on the British public by 1935 .
11 Almost the first experiments I had made with the passive avoidance model after completing the work with Marie , and even before we had located IMHV and LPO as the sites of change , looked at the effects of training on protein synthesis in general , using the precursor techniques that have already been described in earlier chapters .
12 His mother was bending over the baby in the basketwork cradle his father had made for the first Wooldridge child , and she was mopping the fevered little body with a damp cloth .
13 He closely questioned Charles Lisner , who had come from Australia to join the Sadler 's Wells Ballet , about a ballet which Laurel Martyn had made for the Victorian Ballet Guild using that score : her subject matter , general treatment and what Lisner thought of the ballet .
14 I had nothing against Dr Hill , except that he seemed to me an entirely incongruous appointment that Harold had made for the wrong reasons .
15 In spite of the sacrifice it had made for the High Dam at Aswan , whose turbines generated megawatts of electrical power , Wadi Half a still had no electricity .
16 He had burned it himself on the fire he had made against the fruit-garden wall and it might be that no copies of it existed , yet in his mind 's eye it recreated itself , the child for ever stilled , its face a waxen mask , the old doctor haggard with sorrow and lack of sleep , the mirror no breath had misted held in his hand , the parents in each other 's arms .
17 Springfield and Fenton pulled back the flaps of the cut they had made in the chain-link fence , allowing Grant and Larsen to duck through into hostile territory .
18 It drew upon a series of speeches he had made in the late autumn , particularly an address to an all-union student forum .
19 The heirs of the executed and forfeited rebels lacked the means and the backing to use force to regain what their fathers had lost , and the enemies Edward had made in the extreme north by concluding a truce with the Scots were in no position to make their influence felt .
20 Within days Charlie had lost all the profit he had made in the past year and suddenly found himself back to square one .
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