Example sentences of "had been given a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had been given a chance of survival .
2 It would have helped him if the two most awkward customers in the political equation — Sinn Fein and the DUP — had been given a drubbing by the SDLP and the Ulster Unionists respectively .
3 Upstairs the old house seemed to be on a multitude of different levels , with steps up and down , unexpected recesses and windows , all of which had been given a character of their own , by a carefully chosen ornament or floral arrangement .
4 I suppose I had been given a sense of the evil of cinema by my strict Methodist grandparents , who were visibly shocked when once I confessed that I had been to see a film on Sunday .
5 They were ragged and cowed , but they had been given a bed for the night and an enforced bath .
6 As they approached the village , Mungo felt a little like a prisoner who had been given a taste of freedom .
7 Mr Bonfield also disclosed that , following initial hostility , ICL had been given a role in the European Community 's advanced communications programme after reassuring critics that the technology flow with Fujitsu would be two-way .
8 After six months Miloš made a ceremonial entry into Belgrade to parley with the newly appointed Turkish governor , Marasli , who had been given a mandate by the sultan to make concessions in order to pacify the Serbs .
9 He had been given a list of Extension Centres marked ‘ active ’ or ‘ dormant ’ to ensure there would be no misinterpretation over his activities within the constraints of the document .
10 Charles had been given a view of the plans some months before and had been appalled .
11 Fortunately , I noticed that he had been given a place at a different school from his older brother and that it was actually a matter of filling in the appeal form requesting a place at another school .
12 He had been given a lesson from a great player and it was obvious that it was one he would never forget . ’
13 The young man who had peered over the rampart to see this extraordinary collection of scarecrows was known to more than one of the garrison of Krishnapur , for he was none other than that Lieutenant Stapleton who had danced so often with Louise in Calcutta the previous cold season and who had been given a lock of blonde curls as a keepsake ; he had made a point of wearing this lock of hair next to the rather wispy blond hair that grew on his own chest .
14 Gould had been given a number of letters of introduction to the veteran explorer from , among others , George Bank , who had accompanied Franklin on one of his Arctic expeditions , and Captain John Washington , secretary of the Royal Geographical Society .
15 David , who had been given a piece of her mind , returned sadly to a state of detumescence and made do with David Attenborough who at least was living vicariously .
16 Milton had written a letter to one of the Stirlingshire lairds , assuring him of his friendship and advising him that one of the laird 's sons had been given a post as a salt officer .
17 Whereas yesterday he had been given a glimpse of Vic 's charm , now he felt disturbed by this peculiar character .
18 I had been given a week in Sydney before sailing for New Zealand .
19 Mr Major said he had been given a report on the particular material that was on show in a Commons committee room .
20 By supporting their own candidates , they were challenging Baldwin 's authority and leadership even though he had been given a vote of confidence by the Party in 1931 .
21 All hospital patients had been given a diagnosis of primary depression uncomplicated by any underlying condition such as alcoholism , but were also given a full clinical interview ( PSE ) by the research psychiatrist .
22 In Iraq 's case , the export system had been given a boost with the completion late in 1989 of the IPSA-2 pipeline .
23 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
24 He had been given a lift to the Bayswater Road by a mutual friend , Derek O'Connor .
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