Example sentences of "had been [art] [noun] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 It had been a choice between bearing what he had or running back to Aber where he was privileged and protected , and for Harry that had been no choice at all .
2 Isobel began to feel that her life had been the wrong way round , that Africa had been no training at all , with its comparatively easy , impersonal requirement of Christian love , for these savagely difficult demands for daughterly love .
3 There had been no poverty at all , no necessity to move except the necessity of a woman who had been driven by some perverse whim to deny her former husband the right to see his daughter .
4 Perhaps more worrying for the Government is the attitude of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , who was reported by a most reliable gossip columnist called Peterborough in that impeccably Conservative newspaper The Daily Telegraph as saying that it would have been better if there had been no deal at all .
5 In their letter , the solicitors did not disclose that there had been a release of all claims against Mr. Mahmoud .
6 Probably it had been a combination of all these things .
7 The whole episode had been an education for all , with one revealing truth emerging among many .
8 Furthermore , despite their efforts at refuting " charges against " the humanity and sincerity of their approved authors ( and thereby by implication against themselves ) , scholars had never managed fully to provide any rational means for that complete assessment of personality which had been an object of all this effort .
9 She wondered what had been the use of all that trying to get clean on the train if they were now lost in a place where nobody would ever find them , not even when something happened and they disappeared for ever .
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