Example sentences of "had been [v-ing] [adj] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then , hoping he could remember enough of the ancient language of chivalry and selecting his words with extreme care , he said , ‘ Good Trees , we ask your assistance , ’ and saw the Elms nod to one another meaningfully , as if they had been expecting all along to be asked to do something for the Humans .
2 Flushed with the success of Operation Goldenrod , in late summer , Hurley and his CIA colleagues lent Sami Jafaar and other members of his clan to the DEA office in Bern , Switzerland , for Operation Polar Cap , aimed at closing down an arms/drugs-dealing business run by Arman Jirayer Haser , a CIA asset and long-time associate of the Syrian cartel , who had been making millions out of secret American arms shipments to Iraq .
3 This had introduced them to mechanisms which suggested a terminology applicable to their own science making it possible for them at last to give the behaviourists , who had been giving those not of their ilk a hard time , some of their own medicine .
4 She was going on to recall how yesterday she had thought of Vendelin Gajdusek 's being in Prague , when in actual fact , had she known it , he had been sitting right there beside her driving her back to Mariánské Láznë , when he suddenly gave her near heart failure by challenging , out of the blue ‘ I thought you said your name was Fabia ? ’
5 They sat on hard upright chairs in a draughty passage , and all the excitement they had been feeling drained out of them , seeping through the soles of their shoes and vanishing into the linoleum .
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