Example sentences of "had been [vb pp] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 If no date had been fixed by the end of 1997 than the European System of Central Banks had to be established by July 1 , 1998 , and stage three would begin by Jan. 1 , 1999 , at the latest .
2 £30,000 had been raised by the end of the year .
3 He left behind him at Faber and Faber a most efficient young secretary , Miss Valerie Fletcher , who had been appointed at the end of August .
4 They had managed to buy the son of inexpensive terrace house which had been built at the end of the nineteenth century for workers and which still continued to be in a working-class area .
5 Japan had assumed control over Korea , Formosa , the Pescadores and the southern half of Sakhalin , which had been obtained at the end of the Russo Japanese War in 1905 .
6 In 1991 the Philippines ' Senate had refused to ratify a renegotiated bases treaty , and the US military had been given until the end of 1992 to effect a complete withdrawal .
7 The regular surveys carried out by the British Antarctic Survey at its Halley Bay and Faraday stations show that two-thirds of the layer had been destroyed before the end of September .
8 I would therefore hold that where there is a split trial or more accurately , in relation to a non-jury case , a split hearing , any party may appeal without leave against an order made at the end of one part if he could have appealed against such an order without leave if both parts had been heard together and the order had been made at the end of the complete hearing .
9 The first quarter deficit had been about 80,000 million roubles , although January and February had shown a 12,200 million rouble surplus , as concessions on social spending and tax cuts had been made towards the end of the first quarter .
10 No breakthrough on the future of the republic after the referendum had been made by the end of the third round of talks on Feb. 27 .
11 The so-called " multinational force " , mobilized following the lead of the USA , had been widened by the end of August to include not only troops from certain Arab countries [ see above ] , but also some actual or promised military participation from the UK , France , several other West European countries , Canada , Australia , Pakistan and Bangladesh [ see below ] .
12 John Major told the Commons at Prime Minister 's Question Time that none of the 16 arrested at the factory , where 340 had been sacked at the end of January , had been a Timex worker .
13 It had been repeated at the end of that century by Leibniz , who attempted in the collections of treaties and other documents which he published , the Codex Juris Centium Diplomaticus ( 1693 ) and Mantissa Codicis ( 1700 ) , to provide a basis for it .
14 The investigation had gathered momentum in mid-April , following leads provided during his questioning by Mario Chiesa , who had been arrested at the end of February [ see p. 38824 ] .
15 However , a space had been left between the end of the table and the two benches , so that her plump buttocks had no support from beneath .
16 All except Bir Zeit ( on the West Bank ) had now opened or were preparing to open , but Bir Zeit had been informed at the end of August that its closure would be extended by three months for failing to ensure that its campus would not be used as a centre for anti-Israeli activity .
17 JUST WHEN you thought that too many of them had been offed at the end of the first one , out rides the sequel .
18 JUST WHEN you thought that too many of them had been offed at the end of the first one , out rides the sequel .
19 That this is indeed the case , or roughly the case , had been established by the end of the 1930s , primarily by the American T. H. Morgan and his colleagues Calvin Bridges , A. H. Sturtevant , and H. J. Muller , working on the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster .
20 The plenum had been postponed from the end of January after a meeting of the central committee politburo on Jan. 22 had failed to endorse the draft platform ( reported to be largely the work of politburo member and staunch Gorbachev ally Aleksandr Yakovlev ) and had entrusted Gorbachev with the task of revising it .
21 Figures produced by the borough 's finance director , Jack Clark , show that more than £5.7m in council tax had been paid by the end of May , 20.4pc of the total .
22 Figures produced by the borough 's finance director , Jack Clark , show that more than £5.7m council tax had been paid by the end of May 20.4% of the total .
23 For even he , the most sceptical perhaps of all , had been persuaded in the end by the professional judgement of the men at the Zoological Society , and most particularly by John Gould .
24 Although cruder versions of such theories had been abandoned by the end of the nineteenth century , preformationist ideas still present an important theory .
25 About this time a shaft had been started from the end of a 42 yds. long tunnel , Bouncy Level , driven into the vein from a point much higher up the boulder strewn fell-side quite close to the Crag .
26 Only a fraction of Rozanov 's wonderful improvisations had been captured at the end of the tape .
27 On Jan. 3 Swedish radio also reported that three diplomats at the Chinese embassy in Stockholm had been expelled at the end of 1990 for spying on Chinese students living in Sweden , while China expelled a Swedish diplomat in retaliation .
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