Example sentences of "had been [vb pp] [adv] of the " in BNC.

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1 By this time they had been chucked out of the garden of course .
2 His fascination with anything to do with space and spaceflight bordered upon obsession and he had been horrified when The New Hope had been blown out of the sky by the Seven .
3 A spokeswoman for Softlab , however , told the US paper 's German sister publication , Computerwoche , that the figure had been plucked out of the air and , while confirming that the two companies are in discussion , said that negotiations are no further advanced than those it is currently having with at least four other US firms .
4 Whether anything at all had been salvaged out of the wreck of the National Amalgamated Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was still questionable .
5 But , of course , safety had been defined out of the problem .
6 Another had been dragged out of the paddock and dumped along the road .
7 However , if it were merely the scale of the transactions that was unlawful or that payments had been made out of the wrong fund , it may be the council could be forced to honour the contracts .
8 The garage was part of the stable block and had been made out of the old coach house .
9 Lawler moved away from the wall and immediately stubbed his toe against a heavy cast-iron ornament that had been placed out of the way while the small oval table it normally stood on in the lobby was being repaired .
10 This report accepted that unemployment had risen within the LDDC from about 3,500 in 1981 to about 5,000 in 1986 ; that approximately eighty companies had been relocated out of the area through compulsory purchases implemented by the LDDC ; and that many locals were not gaining from the corporation 's activities .
11 He stooped to pick up the wrong key , which had been jerked out of the lock and out of her hand when she started away .
12 Things had changed slightly down there , however ; a new parish , that of Christ Church , Watney Street , had been carved out of the ever-more-populous St George 's , and it was at this recently-dedicated Christ Church that the couple were married on 22 March 1846 .
13 They waded through the all-encroaching dust in a series of huge , dark-pillared halls which had been carved out of the solid rock .
14 The upsurge in quarrying takes place against a background of increased poaching and harvesting of forest produce , while hundreds of people who had been moved out of the park in the past are now starting to return .
15 A grotto had been hollowed out of the mountainside , with a beautiful figure of Mary .
16 She stood fingering the tresses of the willow , branches of which wept over the upturned hull of a boat , which had been dug out of the peat bog to the north of the island and was permanently on display .
17 Turning back to the local rag he learned that the police had as yet no clue to the identity of the woman whose body had been fished out of the canal .
18 The Soviet Union had been kept out of the administration of Japan other than the futile complaints of the Soviet representative in the ACJ .
19 Sabine Jourdain had been killed because of what she was prepared to say , Barbara Coleman had been kept out of the way because of what she knew and Rain was to be killed before she could publish the story .
20 The previous year regular Arts Centre visitors complained they had been kept out of the centre because of the massive popularity of the festival .
21 By 1963 while the Christian Democratic Union still governed West Germany , the elderly Adenauer had been forced out of the chancellorship .
22 Her parents , William and Nellie Tanner , had been forced out of the terraced house in Page Street , the home they had brought the family up in , when her father 's employer George Galloway , who owned the house , decided he was going to make changes .
23 Pindar pleads with Arkesilas for one of these nobles who is out of favour , a ‘ pollarded oak-tree ’ — cp. the tyrant 's maxim about ‘ pruning the tallest poppies ’ on p. 51 ; and in the late sixth century when the balance of strength was the other way , Arkesilas III had been forced out of the country to Samos .
24 While those who had gone back to Braithwaite 's mill had been picked out of the crowd by wild little Oliver Rattrie , the eldest Rattrie boy — nineteen or twenty she supposed he 'd be by now — the twisted , crook-shouldered lad who had done more talking of pikes and pistols and bloody revolution than anybody else at the meetings in her back-yard .
25 In 1943 , men who had been invalided out of the Pioneer Corps formed an ex-servicemen 's club , identified by the initials NB — non-British .
26 As it was , he had been lifted out of the void in which he had barely existed , on to a plane that was real — he underlined it triumphantly .
27 Ann Upton the returning officer for the East Hampshire constituency told the Herald on Thursday that the ballot box had been taken out of the small office and made freely accessible to voters — meanwhile our photographer discovered that it had been simply relocated in the forest .
28 The line tightening in the water told me they had done so , and I struck before all the bow had been taken out of the line .
29 They waved goodbye at the door and got into the Jaguar well pleased at the chunk which had been taken out of the Guinness Mahon share mountain .
30 An enormous effort , directed by Michael Grant , who had been taken out of the army for that purpose , was being sustained .
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