Example sentences of "had been [verb] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 However , CODESA II , which brought together the government , ANC and 17 other organizations , ended in deadlock and delegates failed to adopt any of the reports of the five working parties which had been established at the first CODESA session in December 1991 [ see pp. 38662-63 ; 38705 ] .
32 Two cases ( 3.6% ) of early gastric cancer and two cases of small gastric carcinoid tumours ( 3.6% ) were detected in addition to the five carcinoids that had been found at the initial endoscopic screening .
33 First , a gap had been found at the bottom end of the market , conveying ( or transferring ) small terraced houses with local authority mortgages .
34 The fact that very little concerted thought had been given to organizing the juvenile labour-market does not mean that no action had been taken at the local level by schools , skilled employment committees , and several or more local education authorities .
35 Mr Coetsee said a warrant would also be issued for the arrest of Captain Dirk Coetzee , the former head of a police murder squad who confirmed and amplified Nofomela 's disclosures , claiming that the killings had been approved at the highest level .
36 Negotiations between the DNU-MRH and the government had been initiated at the Central America presidential summit held in Nicaragua in April 1990 [ see p. 37372 ] .
37 Sheilagh , a farmer 's wife , had been widowed at the same time as had Mrs Knelle , and a bond had formed between them .
38 They found that the worst abuses had been committed at the notorious Quatro " rehabilitation centre " in Angola but also said that conditions in other ANC camps in Angola , Tanzania , Uganda and Zambia had in no way been " remotely acceptable " .
39 Many communities had become sharply divided as a result of the way the penal laws had been enforced at the local level , and understandably Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours who until recently had been the agents of their destruction .
40 The curfew imposed during the coup attempt was lifted on Dec.1 , and the rights of assembly and free speech which , together with other constitutional guarantees , had been suspended at the same time , were restored .
41 Suppose that an anti-Conservative voter could know his first-preference candidate had been eliminated at the first count , and how other anti-Conservative candidates had fared .
42 Some 15 months earlier , however , a meeting had been held at the same spot , and after that meeting , a disturbance took place at the training centre ( although the report of the case gives no indication of the scale or the cause of the previous disturbance ) .
43 But she said Lilian had been working at the old people 's home just down the road .
44 When it had been examined and test-flown by the manufacturer 's pilot prior to the revalidation of the microlight 's Permit to Fly both wingtip adjusters had been set at the neutral position with no apparent need for any change .
45 A combative mood at the congress had been set at the very opening of proceedings when the first speaker in the debate on the agenda , Vladimir Bludov from Magadan in the Far East , had called for the entire politburo to resign .
46 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
47 Robin-Anne had been staring at the dark sea , but now she turned her big eyes back to me .
48 Prior to the establishment of Porton Down in 1916 , chemical defence had been coordinated at the Royal Army Medical College under Col E. B. Harrison ( commemorated by the Harrison memorial prize administered by the RSC , royal Pharmaceutical Society and Society of Chemical Industry ) while Lambert and others worked at Oxford .
49 The parent trees would be retained for several years after the new trees had been planted at the new site , just so that they could be used as a reference for checking .
50 Indeed , they boasted proudly that retail electricity prices had risen more slowly than the retail price index in general : although their own tariffs had risen faster , average consumption had gone up and the extra kWh had been sold at the lower incremental charges of two-part or block tariffs , thus bringing the average domestic price in their first ten years down by a fifth in real terms .
51 He wished that he could have listened to their conversation , but he would not have made much of it if he had been sitting at the next table .
52 Adele Venetz , the sister that Wayne always thought of as the quiet one , had been sitting at the big rolling-out table as he 'd entered the restaurant kitchen .
53 That heroic total-amputee had been rescued at the same time as the sculpts of the Sagramoso dynasty were all reduced to dust .
54 The outgoing Defence Minister , Gen. Le Duc Anh , had been promoted at the seventh CPV congress to second ranking member of the politburo , from where he controlled foreign policy .
55 Bromhead had been educated at the private school for the deaf in Rugby and was a fluent writer and reader of German , French and Latin .
56 The plan , he affirmed , had been introduced at the previous week 's meeting between President Bush and President Gorbachev in Washington [ see p. 37518 ] .
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