Example sentences of "had been [verb] at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The subject had been raised at a meeting between Prime Minister Petre Roman and President Mitterrand of France in Paris on July 18 .
2 Daniel had been officiating at a funeral .
3 A length of thick blue nylon rope like this had been tied at a height of about 4 ft across the main Cattle Market Road in Northampton .
4 So , inference : the picture had been painted at a time other than it appeared to have been , and had been painted by someone who " could not have been there " .
5 It was reported on March 3 that a senior NPA member , Ricardo Capili Reyes , had been apprehended at a checkpoint in Manila .
6 The material included flammable and toxic paint residues and solvents which had been stored at a site in Essex not licensed to deal with hazardous waste .
7 This announcement had been made at a council of the ROC , but was retracted in Kiev on April 14 on the grounds that it had been made under pressure .
8 This ruling had been made at a meeting with the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa .
9 Red Cross officials are trying to confirm reports that 1,200 people had been massacred at a Serb detention camp at Lukavac .
10 This deployment had been decided at a Feb. 1 meeting of the Lebanese Council of Ministers , as part of a Syrian-backed initiative to restore the authority of the Lebanese government within the terms of the 1989 Taif agreement [ see pp. 36986 ; 37928 ] .
11 They had been staying at a log cabin holiday home at Cropton , near Pickering , and yesterday , Ray Allanson , manager of the Forestry Commission 's Keldy Forest cabins , said : ‘ They left without any maps unaware of the dangers of walking in the forest at night .
12 According to the price inflation version of the Phillips curve , we must of necessity infer that the economy had been operating at a level of demand which was consistent with an unemployment rate U * ; in Figure 6.6 .
13 The animals had been recovering at a wildlife sanctuary , and were ready to go back into the wild .
14 The UN Development Programme on Oct. 23 announced that agreement had been reached at a meeting in Pyongyang , North Korea , on an action plan costing US$30,000 million over 20 years to develop transport and other infrastructure in the Tumen river basin , a densely populated area rich in raw materials , stretching from the port of Shonjin in North Korea to Yanji in China and north-east to Vladivostok .
15 An agreement on the release of the prisoners had been reached at a meeting on Jan. 14 between the Cambodian factions , Fresard and representatives of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council .
16 From what he had seen he estimated that the low-velocity rounds had been fired at a maximum of a dozen paces .
17 Prosecuting counsel Anne Toynbee told magistrates at Crawley , west Sussex , that the aircraft had been parked at a stand at Gatwick on Wednesday while engineers worked on an electronic fault .
18 An Access card had been found at a meeting of the Liberal Democrats for Eastern Region contracts , and , M S Sue Sutton , who was a candidate for
19 Two Cameroonian journalists claimed they had been tortured at an army barracks and made to promise " not to write anything against President Biya " .
20 Suzannah Reddan had been working at a pub in north-west London for six months when she disappeared in March 1988 .
21 The stake had been set at a silver thruppence — a thruppence which ( Louisa remembered smiling now ) she had never seen , for the afternoon had ended in disaster .
22 They were all three at the table where they had been sitting at a meal , the curry soup before them , a dreadful static group , posed as for a stage set .
23 He had been sitting at a table in the corner reading an Italian newspaper and Sandison had hardly paid him any attention .
24 Does the right hon. Gentleman really believe that if politicians in Northern Ireland had been sitting at a table , the awful atrocities that we have witnessed in the past few days would not have taken place ?
25 Shortly before the attack , Mick had been dancing at a Singles Night at the Wiltshire Hotel .
26 Shop fittings which were worth £3,000 and had been bought at an auction by Transom Trading for only £1,500 prior to opening the shop in August 1991 .
27 The totals had been disclosed at a time when local authorities and others were being subjected to curbs for alleged lack of efficiency .
28 The idea of such a force operating in a buffer zone under the auspices of the Western European Union ( WEU ) had been endorsed at a meeting earlier in the day in Berlin between the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and President François Mitterrand of France .
29 But Geoff Bedford , director of HMSO Scotland , insisted last night that the unsuccessful tender had been pitched at a price decided jointly with HMSO 's UK headquarters in Norwich .
30 Born in London of an Irish mother and a Scottish father , she had been educated at a convent school in North London .
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