Example sentences of "had been [verb] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , several people before him — Francis Bacon even — had been struck by the amazing correspondence between the coastlines of the African and South American continents .
2 FitzRoy had been struck by the peculiar appearance of a group of brownish-black birds living in the islands that resembled finches .
3 A plea for clemency , submitted by the defence lawyers , had been denied by the six-member Grenada Advisory Committee on the Prerogative of Mercy on July 26 .
4 Senior British Government officials for the first time said yesterday that while a trip by two Tory strategists to the US during the campaign had been cleared by the Conservative Party chairman , Sir Norman Fowler , he had not told Mr Major .
5 More significantly , the Government yesterday made the biggest effort yet to defuse the row by saying the two Central Office officials ' visit had been cleared by the Tory chairman , Sir Norman Fowler , but Major himself had known nothing about it .
6 First to suffer were the relatives of those who had been kidnapped by the Joint Command .
7 Polhill and three of his colleagues at the Beirut University College had been kidnapped by the Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine ( IJLP ) in Beirut in January 1987 [ see p. 35024 ] .
8 There were stringent language qualifications for citizenship applications , and objections to this had been raised by the Russian Democratic Movement in Estonia ( RDME ) .
9 Substantial doubts had been raised by the difficultly of Coleman 's having committed the crime in the short space of time for which he had no alibi on the night of the murder , and by numerous statements gathered after the trial attesting that another resident of the small town of Grundy had boasted of having committed the crime .
10 The context was an action in the Norwegian court to set aside a retrospective tax assessment which had been raised by the Norwegian tax authorities against the estate of a deceased taxpayer who , it was alleged , was the beneficial owner of the assets which he had not declared for tax purposes .
11 The ICJ declared that it was " not called upon to determine any of the questions " that had been raised by the Libyan submission to the Court , and would therefore not be taking any restraining " provisional measures " , such as had been sought by Libya .
12 For me the mystery of the enemy 's identity had been increased by the peculiar sort of war I had fought .
13 On May 7 the government dismissed the country 's 14 regional commissioners , all of whom had been appointed by the Royal Palace and were regarded as loyal supporters of the King .
14 The National Reconciliation Document encapsulating the Taif Accords , which had been ratified by the Lebanese parliament on Nov. 5 , 1989 , had stated that the Syrian forces would assist the Lebanese government " to extend the authority of the Lebanese state within a limited period not exceeding two years after the ratification of the National Reconciliation Document , the election of the President of the Republic , the formation of the Government of Reconciliation and the adoption of the political reforms constitutionally " .
15 The Temporary Provisions had been adopted by the Legislative Yuan in 1948 , just before the Nationalist government fled to Taiwan .
16 These protectionist measures , seriously disrupting Yugoslavia 's internal common market , had been adopted by the Serbian Assembly on Oct. 23 , in response to what Serbian Premier Stanko Radmilovic called the " destructive policies " of Markovic 's government .
17 The constitution would be ratified in a national referendum once it had been adopted by the National Assembly .
18 From the beginning Jarrad had been run by the same directors as Jesner and run in good faith in what the directors perceived to be in the family 's interest .
19 His repeated warnings of the effect of the United Front on the ILP had been ignored by the National Administrative Council and he eventually left the party altogether and returned to the Labour Party .
20 Within weeks their independence had been recognised by the international community ( see p. 162 ) .
21 The directive had been unpublicized , and was only confirmed officially on Jan. 25 after the news had been leaked by the independent Interfax news agency ( which was now operating with the support of the Russian Federation government and Moscow city council after Gosteleradio had withdrawn its support in January — see p. 37972 ) .
22 Lord Aldington was asked what he knew about the Yugoslavs who had been repatriated by the British Eight Army 's V Corps while he was chief of staff to its commander , General Sir Charles Keightley .
23 I found it strange that those words had come from the Parliamentary Secretary because , when I read them , I thought that they had been written by the Labour candidate , John Metcalfe , because there was no other indication that that article had been written by a Minister of the Crown who is responsible for this country 's agriculture .
24 Well when when it was first read by erm it was mentioned that it had been written by the Green Party by radio four and the Guardian and the Independent .
25 I thought that those were wise words when I read them and was delighted to find that they had been written by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , the hon. Member for Penrith and The Border ( Mr. Maclean ) in The Lake District Herald only this week .
26 Nevertheless , by early December Jordan had received firm commitments for some US$500,000,000 in aid ( from Canada , China , France , Germany , Japan , South Korea , the Netherlands and Taiwan ) ; in addition , a further US$12,600 million had been pledged by the European Communities ( EC ) and the Gulf financial crisis co-ordination group to the three so-called " front-line states " , Jordan , Egypt and Turkey .
27 Three hours ' extremely cold and tedious observation had been ruined by the sudden flash of this light several years earlier .
28 Mrs McAlorum , who stood as the party 's parliamentary candidate in East Kilbride last year , said the unanimous decision to call for the party leader 's resignation had been provoked by the widespread anger among the party members .
29 On March 25 Cepaitis had been convicted by the Supreme Court of having " deliberately co-operated with the KGB [ former Soviet state security committee ] " , an accusation first made in November 1991 .
30 On one occasion , when George Brown was to give a seminal broadcast on a new financial plan , Wigg , who had been assigned by the Prime Minister to ensure , or to endeavour to ensure , that Brown arrived at Broadcasting House respectably sober , could think of nothing better to do than to consign him in the early afternoon to the sitting-room in my flat at Ashley Gardens .
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