Example sentences of "had been [verb] they [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It seems , however , always to have been associated by those who employed it with the idea that Britain 's historic policy towards its dependencies had been to lead them along the path towards self-government — a belief which had for its principal inspiration the history of Canada since the Durham report .
2 By the time they had run the half-mile back to their barracks the tiger that had been stalking them in the penumbra had emerged from his cover .
3 His teaching after the resurrection , when " beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself " , was the climax of what he had been teaching them through the years of his ministry .
4 It would be bad psychology to tell Lou that she had been shown them by the police .
5 The first course had been awaiting them on the dining-room table .
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