Example sentences of "had been [verb] [adv prt] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Christopher Morrison , prosecuting , said Marriner had tried to obtain money from Crown Street post office in Darlington with a Giro cheque which had been written over and smashed windows at two health centres in the town .
2 By mid and late Devonian times , the new mountains of Europe had been worn down and shallow shelf seas spread on to the continental margins .
3 Whereas 577 telegrams had been sent off and 1,158 received in the volost' in 1913 , the figures for 1926 were 672 and 785 respectively .
4 Vigilance on the border had been stepped up and large-scale infiltration should be extremely difficult .
5 At the time , neither Ruskin Road nor the following Beynon Road had been made up or developed and for some time , the trams ran on what in effect was reserved track .
6 Minutes earlier Bethan had been splashing about when single parent Andrea , 22 , left the bathroom to take care of the other girl , Rhiannon .
7 No they did n't turn the taps on , they just left it all round the hall and , and the door frame had been kicked off and all things like this you know ?
8 A handful of what he thought was heather thatch caught him in the face , but it was n't : a corn-stack had been pushed over and some of the netting had burst .
9 We went from house to house , passing White Memorial Hospital , whose waiting room had been shot up when one gang went to kill the wounded members of another .
10 Before her marriage Anna had been taken up as one of the handful of pet Americans and now , although they did not know exactly what had happened , everybody in London sided with her .
11 A little way on we came to another village , where some of the evicted had been taken in and given shelter .
12 The original print run had been snapped up and further copies would be printed .
13 She did not read them , they had been folded back where appropriate to show the places to be signed .
14 He said fresh water pumping stations had been knocked out but powerful temporary pumps were brought in and there was ‘ no cause for alarm ’ about the safety of drinking water .
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