Example sentences of "had been [verb] [prep] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It might have been a delayed reaction to the drugs I had been taking for an operation I 'd recently had on my foot , but this seemed unlikely .
2 Iliescu also announced that work on unfinished grandiose construction and infrastructural projects had been halted pending an investigation of their economic worth .
3 This was the 10th occasion on which Congress had requested the appointment of a special prosecutor , and only the first on which it had been denied by an Attorney General .
4 In May 1990 the FAO launched an appeal for $85,000,000 to eradicate the New World screwworm ( Cochliomyia homnivorax ) , a large fly of South American origin which had been detected over an area of 18,000 sq km in Libya .
5 Australian DJ Brian White told his listeners that a drunken journalist had approached Kylie after she had been presented with an award and asked her if she felt ashamed to have won it in a room full of so many talented people .
6 In particular , he fails to comment on the fact that eighty-five per cent of the seven-year-olds passed item ( 1 ) — a fact which suggests that even younger children might have been capable of passing this item , especially if it had been presented in an oral rather than a written form .
7 Henry worked at the Foreign Office in London , where ambiguity had been raised to an art form .
8 Constance had been raised in an atmosphere of intense family solidarity .
9 ‘ These people had been fighting against their own country , against Marshal Tito who had been recognised as an ally by the British Government , ’ Lord Aldington said .
10 Like the American western railroads , the Russian Trans-Siberian had been built with an eye to migration and settlement .
11 Riverside General had been built as an overflow hospital for Tewkesbury and Gloucester and surrounding areas .
12 It would be b because the straw , the thatch had been pulled all straight it would flowing down , and then they used to er they used to th throw it over , it would be throwing the water away from the stack had been built like an egg you know .
13 Her original plan for the previous Wednesday had been to put in an hour or two of picket duty very early in the morning , and then go on to her appointment at Pringle 's .
14 It had been written for an age when wind was still the motive power for most of the world 's shipping , so that , though technically out of date , it was invaluable for some of the work I was doing , particularly wire splicing , and if we were rolled over and had to jury-rig the ship it would be a life saver .
15 The 31-year-old victim 's wife , who had been drifting on an anchor line 10ft below their charter boat , was uninjured .
16 Turkey claimed that its action had been provoked by an escalation of Kurdish attacks on the armed forces in the south-east of the country .
17 In Reg. v. Miles ( 1890 ) 24 Q.B.D. 423 it was held that a person who had been convicted of an assault by a court of summary jurisdiction , but had been discharged , without any sentence of fine or imprisonment , on giving security to be of good behaviour , could not afterwards be convicted on an indictment for the same assault .
18 Striker Jim Gardiner , who had been foiled of an opener in the 13th minute deflected for a corner by defender Ken Cairns , got well on target at his second clear attempt .
19 In the Late Period the vast catacombs for the burial of mummified ibises had been constructed in an area of Third Dynasty officials ' mastaba tombs , to the north of the Step Pyramid of Djoser .
20 However , in this instance , the notice had been sent to an address that had ceased to be the debtor 's business address and was not his usual or last known place of residence .
21 Residents had been warned of an explosion , he claimed , but had " acted like children " and failed to obey instructions given to them .
22 Phar Lap was now poised to conquer further heights in America , but just over two weeks later he was dead , apparently as a result of having eaten grass or plants which had been sprayed with an insecticide .
23 Legislation was passed which required that persons who had been sentenced to an aggregate of more than three months imprisonment during the past seven years be committed to a superior court when charged with another offence .
24 It was 1747 before trouble was again encountered over the question of the collectorship , and at that time the office had been held without dispute for several years by Michael Elphinstone of Quarrel , whose election had been secured by an alliance of the Duke of Montrose and Lord Elphinstone .
25 The jangling of his friend 's bells and chains , which he had been using as an aid for navigation , had ceased abruptly .
26 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party had been looking for an excuse to reward its friends in the building industry for their financial support .
27 He was inclined to believe he had been looking for an excuse to ring her , which was foolish because he did not need an excuse .
28 The meeting had been called in an effort to heal the renewed rift between the two Presidents resulting from the October retreat by the central administration from radical economic reform .
29 It was the 50th Test to be staged at the picturesque Adelaide Oval , where the pitch had been relaid in an attempt to put an end to a run of six drawn matches ( only Kanpur , with seven , had staged more successive inconclusive Tests ) .
30 According to the Far Eastern Economic Review of May 30 the statute had been repealed in an attempt to calm reaction amongst students and the opposition following the arrest of four pro-independence activists on May 9 .
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