Example sentences of "had been [verb] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 In October 1917 , minute 27640 states : The Acting General Manager mentioned that in connection with the aeroplanes which the Railway Companies had been asked to construct for the government , the L & NW had undertaken at Wolverton a share of the work , i.e. construction of wings .
2 Sharing Coleman 's opinion of President Hafez Assad as the evil genius of state-sponsored terrorism , NALA had been formed to press for the withdrawal of Syrian and Israeli troops from Lebanon and for the restoration of democracy under the aegis of General Michel Aoun , who , in September 1988 , had been appointed head of an interim military government in Beirut by outgoing President Amin Gemayel .
3 In preceding weeks a seven-member committee had been formed to prepare for the privatization of 76 state companies , in which foreign investors would be able to acquire minority holdings .
4 A National Parliamentary Movement ( MNP ) of 19 parties had been formed to campaign for the early adoption of a parliamentary system , which could mean severely curtailing Collor 's powers .
5 There then appeared a chink of light when we were advised by Mr F. Musgrave of Saintfield that he wished to sell the site of the former Ballynahinch Junction Station , a site which the Trust had been trying to secure for the past 20 years .
6 Well , in the passage from Matthew 's book about the life and times of Jesus , he tells us that after Jesus had been moved to pity for the lost-ness of the crowd , he turned to his best friends and said :
7 I mean it seems a bit ironic in that how that what the Communist Party had been striving to eliminate for the past twenty years , they 're now going back to recreating differences in society , but the most fundamental change is that how feudalism has gone .
8 For the celebration , soldiers of his Army had been forbidden to shave for the last month so that their faced would more nearly represent those of warriors of old .
9 Here Richard I 's envoys announced that the king would not stand — they had been ordered to vote for the Count Palatine Henry ( whose support Richard wanted in his struggle against the French king ) but he still had not returned .
10 The Imperial 's staff , torn between a natural amour propre that a rival team had been imported to cook for the Prince of Wales and relief that they would not be responsible for royalty 's displeasure ( yet with the ignoble hope that they might get all the credit ) , watched anxiously to ensure that the incoming team was competent .
11 But the very thoroughness with which British industry had been converted to war work , the degree to which overseas investment had been sold to pay for the war effort , and the war-weariness accumulated over six years of privation created a twin dilemma : public expectations of a better post-war world had increased in reverse proportion to the capacity of the British economy to finance it .
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