Example sentences of "had been [verb] [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 But it had been fixed for days in its usual place and she was sure they would make for that .
2 In the March 1991 legislative elections Tahoeraa Huiraatira — the opposition party led by Flosse which had been ousted from government in December 1987 , after controlling the territory 's government since March 1982 — captured 18 of the 41 seats in the Territorial Assembly .
3 Claus Toksvig , then a Danish broadcaster based in London , had been reporting on unemployment in Britain .
4 Frank Reed , the US director of the Lebanese International College who had been kidnapped in Beirut in September 1986 [ see p. 35023 ] , was released into Syrian custody in West Beirut on April 30 .
5 ( A Challen piano had been presented for use in the church in 1976 . )
6 For some years attempts had been made to prohibit the sale of firearms and a Pistols Bill had been presented to Parliament in 1893 .
7 The limit in respect of advice in relation to undefended divorce proceedings had been raised to £45 in April 1977 when legal aid ceased to be available for such proceedings and that figure was subsequently raised to £55 in 1979 , £75 in 1981 and £90 in 1985 .
8 The senior component of what became The East Surrey Regiment under the 1881 Cardwell Reforms had been raised in Huntingdonshire in 1702 as The 31st Regiment of Foot .
9 The Polish Republic was proclaimed at the end of December 1989 , thus restoring the formal name which had been adopted after independence in 1918 but replaced by the name Polish People 's Republic in 1947 .
10 It seems most likely , however , that it was a word like ‘ Teddy Boy ’ or ‘ Mod ’ or ‘ Skinhead ’ which , coming out of the popular culture of working-class London , had been adopted by youths in some localities in order to describe themselves and what they took for their common identity .
11 Adenauer was also pleased that soon afterwards , in October 1955 , the people of the coal-rich Saar , which had been separated from Germany in 1946 ( at French insistence ) , rejected French plans for their future .
12 De Gaulle 's third priority in 1958 was to use the authority that he had been granted by parliament in early June to undertake the essential work of renewal .
13 He was reported to have said that the killing was ordered from prison by a Jihad leader Sawfat Abdel Ghani , who had been convicted of involvement in the killing of al-Mahgoub .
14 There he read out a cablegram that had been sent to MCC in London .
15 On April 27 , 1990 , Norway and Israel signed a draft agreement providing for the return of 10.5 tonnes of heavy water ( deuterium oxide , used to cool nuclear reactors ) to Norway , half the amount which had been sent to Israel in 1959 .
16 Both the latter films were made by Walter Booth for Charles Urban , an American who had been sent to Britain in order to look after Edison 's interests , then set up on his own as a distributor and exporter of French and American films .
17 Little Carl Mozart , then seven-years-old , had been sent to school in Perchtholdsdorf , a suburb of Vienna , and Mozart drove out on 13 October to collect him and take him and his grandmother Weber to see a performance of The Magic Flute .
18 Once , a message had been sent to Ford in Hollywood , entreating aid for the Navahos after a hard winter , and the director had found a Western script to make in Monument Valley simply to bring some money to the tribe .
19 The 50 unarmed UN military observers who had been sent to Mogadishu in July remained in the country , although on Aug. 6 they were reported still to be unable to leave their compound due problems of transport .
20 The Raasay Ironstone which had been discovered by Woodward in 1893 was assessed and as a result was worked by German prisoners of war .
21 His arrest was part of a longstanding FBI investigation ; four of the charges on which he was indicted dated back to December 1988 when he had been discovered by police in a hotel room with a convicted drug dealer , Charles Lewis .
22 Women 's Aid and the Domestic Violence Working Group — a body composed of those encountering the results of domestic violence — had been calling for clarification in the law since the decision .
23 On Feb. 21 Zhelev visited the grave at Whitchurch Canonicorum in Dorset of Georgi Markov , the Bulgarian dissident writer who had been assassinated in London in 1978 by the Bulgarian secret police by means a poisoned umbrella tip [ see p. 32997 ] .
24 Azhar had been sentenced to death in 1982 for his part in the 1981 hijacking by IIRC guerrillas of a domestic airliner to Thailand [ see pp. 32256-57 ] .
25 Although Jiang had been sentenced to death in 1981 for " counter-revolutionary crimes " [ see pp. 30833-36 ] , her sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in 1983 [ see p. 32505 ] .
26 He had been sentenced to death in March by a Palestinian military tribunal sitting in Sana'a , Yemen .
27 He told officers that his friend had been looking for Carol in Bristol on the Friday before she died .
28 His best guess was that the reference was to Nerys , that his unconscious mind had been looking for comfort in the prospect that Wayne would at least be with his mother , in which case he decided that there was probably some hope for his mental state after all .
29 Facing his first annual meeting as IBM Corp 's chairman and chief executive , Louis Gerstner did not mince words , telling the Tampa assembly that the company 's very survival had been called into question in the past year , but promised that although the company 's reputation was temporarily tarnished , it will remain strong thanks to its worldwide base — ‘ It would be a great mistake for naysayers to underestimate IBM , ’ Gerstner said .
30 There was the wife of a Communist who had been stabbed to death in Oslo .
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