Example sentences of "had been [verb] [adv] on a " in BNC.

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1 In fact it had been blown away on a gust of wind as soon as the crate was opened in Liverpool and was never seen again .
2 As soon as his hands were free , Huw ducked away , retrieving a shirt and jersey that had been flung down on a pile of beer-crates , saying over his shoulder : ‘ Look , I 'd better be pushing off .
3 An overnight case had been placed carefully on a sheet of newspaper .
4 On the left breast of his tunic the insignia of the Legion d'Honneur glimmered among a broad cluster of medals , and his plumed tricorn had been placed ostentatiously on a table at his side .
5 This party was a much bigger affair than the small gathering back in August , and Belinda had been swept along on a tide of food and drink and conversation .
6 A high-rise block of flats had been clamped down on a street that did not think well of itself at the best of times .
7 The waiter held out the straw hat which had been left behind on a chair .
8 Further questioning revealed that he was only able to sell the artefacts in Gibraltar because they had been found illegally on a site in Spain .
9 In the end , he had to settle for a survey which had been carried out on a national scale by a well-known agency .
10 Previous abridgements of the Philosophical Transactions had been carried out on a piecemeal basis , whereas Baddam 's version provided continuity and uniformity for the first time ( see Nichols 's summary of them in the above , pp. 482–3 ) .
11 Bicker 's face looked as though it had been ground out on a millstone , but Ratagan was beaming .
12 I did Hope that Lord Nelson who was staying at Raby might come down to partake of the fayre which had been set out on a Royal Oak table decorated with a huge Wheatsheaf , Blue Bells and a small Green Tree that looked very much like Three Tuns .
13 Most of them were professional or business men but a high proportion had been brought up on a croft .
14 But she understood , because she had been brought up on a farm .
15 Tamar had been brought up on a tenanted farm and was sensitive to the diffidence felt when an approach to the landowner was necessary .
16 His writings were later able to save a model child , the philosopher John Stuart Mill , who had been brought up on a system of intensive reading and deprived of the ‘ culture of the feelings ’ .
17 The hay had been brought up on a wain in front of which two of the farm horses stood , blowing plumes of steamy breath .
18 It was the first time in Israel 's 41-year history that a government had been brought down on a vote of confidence .
19 I heard this with embarrassment , remembering how terribly bored and miserable I had been sitting there on a long hot afternoon , hardly understanding a word as chiefs and elders talked to our delegation in local dialect .
20 Early reports suggested that few of them knew about the registration process because the government 's public information had been put out on a Friday , the first day of the Kuwaiti weekend .
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