Example sentences of "had not been [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) they were drawn from different library divisions and included two divisions whose schools had not been represented in the Major Project evaluation sample ;
2 The NCP increased its parliamentary presence from five to six seats , while the GPP , which had not been represented in the previous parliament , won two seats .
3 While celebrating the first occasion since the Spanish occupation of 1571 on which foreign troops had not been based in the Philippines , the country 's President , Fidel Ramos , expressed the hope that his country could develop " even stronger ties with the USA " following the withdrawal .
4 Mrs B asked that her children be sent to their father , who was working in England , and had not been implicated in the allegations of abuse .
5 Also , they generally had not been living in the city ( in this case , in Birmingham ) long enough ( 5 years ) to obtain council housing and , if they had , they were generally offered sub-standard short-life housing in the inner city .
6 They had not been schooled in the symptoms of such abuse , but she told reporters that the abuse of children was such a terrible problem in society , that everyone should be on the look-out for it .
7 Parliament granted a tax of a sixteenth , and in return it was promised that the perambulations of Edward I should be confirmed , and that new perambulations should be made before Christmas in the forests where they had not been made in the previous reign .
8 I remind him that there has been criticism historically when statements have been made about incidents in Great Britain , when it was commented that similar statements had not been made in the context of Northern Ireland .
9 The court held that the exemption clause , though it had been incorporated in the auction sales , had not been incorporated in the later sale by private treaty .
10 It had not been contended in the course of the case that there was not a sale , until during the debate in your Lordships ' House that suggestion was made , and I think that , beyond doubt , anyone , who in answer to the advertisement acquired a record , would say that he had bought it and would be surprised that any doubt should be cast upon what he regarded as an obvious fact .
11 He said that the matter had not been raised in the JLG , and threatened that China would not honour the contract .
12 The second round of voting on May 8 allocated most of the 134 seats which had not been decided in the first round [ see p. 38887 ] , and confirmed the electoral victory of supporters of President Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani .
13 In the late 1930s a new pattern of earlier marriage began to emerge which had not been seen in the West for centuries .
14 Of the 550 theses in the present study , 281 ( 51% ) had not been cited in the Science Citation Index by the end of 1987 .
15 An elderly female novelist had come in at a quarter to six and Penelope had found herself trying to explain why her latest novel had not been reviewed in the Sunday Telegraph , why it had not been advertised more widely , why copies had not been displayed on the bookstall of a friend 's local station , why it had not yet been reprinted .
16 When an Australian newspaper alleged that Kerry Packer had " fixed " the result of a cricket match involving the West Indian team , its captain ( Clive Lloyd ) was entitled to damages even though he was not named in the article and had not been playing in the particular match .
17 Witnesses in the car said Williams had not been driving at an excessive speed and had not been distracted in the moments before the car went out of control , said Mr Hardy .
18 In a series of other cases from eyres where Mettingham had been one of the justices the auditors accepted his ‘ record ’ that he had not been sitting in the court when the case concerned was decided .
19 What their Lordships find still more important in this case is that important evidence was adduced which had not been foreshadowed in the depositions .
20 The mayor and the chairman of the rural district council met the Minister of Health and Local Government on the issue , and Eddie McAteer also raised with the minister the additional problem of thirty-one subtenants , mostly the sons and daughters of Springtown residents , who had not been mentioned in the statement issued following his meeting with the two local authority leaders .
21 Kahn also claims that a new and superior Velcro product , Ultra-Mate , had not been mentioned in the original proxy statement outlining the Velcro reorganisation .
22 ‘ I would have survived if one member , one vote had not been introduced in the constituency section , ’ he said .
23 Of the trigrams found in the test corpus , 23% had not been found in the training corpus .
24 The catchment area covered by the RVH was fairly large but this had not been reflected in the provision of funding , and in particular there were cutbacks in the numbers of specialist operations .
25 ( How much would this country and the world have heard even of the Right Honourable Member for Finchley if she had not been backed in the House by that numerical Conservative superiority ? )
26 It is quite possible clearly that that number could be reduced , during the consultation process on the on the local plan , I think that 's an important point because of the issue of windfall that was mentioned by Mr Davis , and was raised yesterday , reference to historic trends in the city of York do show that erm we have exceeded structure plan targets by substantial amounts , I think the figure is is forty percent or or more , er the County Council could confirm that , slightly difficult calculation to do because I 'm sure you 'll be aware that to our eternal shame , the City Council has not to date adopted a formal local plan , with reference erm to your question on day one er as to whether or not we might calculate contribution of windfalls in the past , we have looked at the nineteen eighty seven residential land availability er study , which was agreed with the house builders , adjacent districts , and of course the County , and in the five year period of that study , by comparison with the sites that we agreed in the study , an additional four hundred and thirty dwellings came forward and were completed on sites that had not been identified in the study , now I 'd I would say very clearly that that level of windfalls erm would not continue in the future and it could not be a reliable basis for erm looking at windfall contributions in the city in the future , clearly the supply of development land in the city is a is a finite resource , er given given the constraints that are current holding , and although some additional windfalls to the two hundred I 'd suggested in my H One may come forward , on the other hand I suspect some of the sites suggested in the draft local plan could fall out of the equation .
27 As one villager said , perhaps the money would have been better spent ensuring it had not been dumped in the first place .
28 A financial document that had NOT been used in the compilation of the corpus was selected as test data ( this was the same document as used in the earlier investigations of Chapter Three ) .
29 These documents were all at least 500 words in length and had NOT been used in the compilation of any dictionary .
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