Example sentences of "had not been [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and i also need to be concerned that the health authority I think is claiming that this merger will actually give them a better erm size population for research purposes for for purchasing , however , I think that it may well be that particular health needs , people in West Essex and Harlow in particular which has , for example , a rapidly ageing population and therefore needs facilities had not been planned into the town by way of health erm , that those statistics , those pockets of need are going to get overlooked in a much more large and vast disparate statistical picture , stretching from Hertfordshire right across to the coast I think it 's too big a sample and we need to make sure that our specific needs are n't going to be overlooked in all that .
2 The decision of the Supreme Court had not been announced by the end of February .
3 ( 3 ) they were drawn from different library divisions and included two divisions whose schools had not been represented in the Major Project evaluation sample ;
4 The NCP increased its parliamentary presence from five to six seats , while the GPP , which had not been represented in the previous parliament , won two seats .
5 While celebrating the first occasion since the Spanish occupation of 1571 on which foreign troops had not been based in the Philippines , the country 's President , Fidel Ramos , expressed the hope that his country could develop " even stronger ties with the USA " following the withdrawal .
6 The distinguished archaeologist Professor Lord Renfrew , member of English Heritage 's own Ancient Monuments Advisory committee , revealed that its opinion had not been sought until the third week of November when it finally was called for a formal meeting with Jocelyn Stevens .
7 The ANC , however , declared that it would not be deterred by a government whichit considered illegitimate and which had not been recognized by the rest of the world .
8 An elderly female novelist had come in at a quarter to six and Penelope had found herself trying to explain why her latest novel had not been reviewed in the Sunday Telegraph , why it had not been advertised more widely , why copies had not been displayed on the bookstall of a friend 's local station , why it had not yet been reprinted .
9 However , if the income which arose in year 1 had not been charged at the time when the payment was made in year 3 to the beneficiary , that relieving provision would not be applicable and it would appear that the tax charge would take place in year 3 .
10 John Wesley was a reluctant convert to open-air preaching — " I would have thought the saving of souls almost a sin , if it had not been done in a church " — but at Bristol in 1739 he followed the example of George Whitefield and " submitted to be more vile , and proclaimed in the highways the glad tidings of salvation " .
11 Interviews at Southend School revealed a similar tendency — that the self-appraisal had not been perceived as a significant part of the process and it is questionable to what extent it was in fact an appraisal .
12 It had not been worded as an order , but the tone of the COBRA man meant that this was more than a suggestion .
13 Robyn was about to say , ‘ The Government , ’ when she saw the trap : Wilcox would find it easy enough to argue that the Government had not been troubled by the strike .
14 They give us a vivid idea of what the lending libraries would be like if the popular mass-circulation libraries had not been crushed by the public libraries in their politically motivated post-war form .
15 ‘ After ascertaining that the reproductions had not been printed by the artist herself ’ , he writes , ‘ [ The Copyright Office ] ruled that the printer 's contribution added enough originality to the process to make the reproductions derivative works … and that the copyrights of the reproductions were therefore owned by the printers .
16 I knew she had not been asked to the service at which her husband 's ashes were placed in the Spencer vault .
17 Mrs B asked that her children be sent to their father , who was working in England , and had not been implicated in the allegations of abuse .
18 Although preliminary speculation was that the crash might have been caused by a bomb , accident investigators revealed that the plane had nose-dived after the right engine suddenly went into reverse thrust ; electronic safety systems designed to cope with this had apparently failed , and a warning light had either malfunctioned or had not been believed by the pilot .
19 The clothes had not been disturbed for a long time and were as thick and tangled as jungle foliage .
20 They were beginning to run short of food and water , but had not been disturbed by the enemy .
21 Also , they generally had not been living in the city ( in this case , in Birmingham ) long enough ( 5 years ) to obtain council housing and , if they had , they were generally offered sub-standard short-life housing in the inner city .
22 And , the greatest guilt of all , if she had not been in Maisie 's house … if Maisie had not been tending to the birthing … then the fire would not have happened and that darling woman would be alive today .
23 It had not been cleared under the safety scheme .
24 In a letter to the London gallery , The Edge , a DTI official stated that details of the case had been passed to Customs and Excise for them to consider whether an offence had occurred as a licence had not been granted for the photographs in the current exhibition .
25 The reason given was that approval had not been granted by the Engineering department .
26 A statutory demand under s 268 , Insolvency Act 1986 could not be made to recover tax payable as determined by the General Commissioner when the notice of that amount had not been served on the taxpayer at his usual or last known place of residence under s 115 , TMA 1970 , according to Chancery Division in Re a Debtor ( No 124/50/91 ) , Ex Parte the Debtor v IRC [ 1992 ] STI 888 .
27 In the course of the hearing , counsel for the Crown accepted that , if notice for the amounts payable as determined by the General Commissioners had not been served on the debtor , the tax had never become payable under s 55(a) , TMA 1970 and s 5 , TA 1988 .
28 Asked by Mr Norman if his reasoning for that decision had not been noted at the time , he replied : ‘ My scribbles were not entirely consistent in quantity or meaning .
29 The Liberals , although the smallest of the three parties , would seem to be the only party whose programme had not been rejected by the electors ; and , as the only party which could co-operate with either of the other two , it would seem to have been put in a particularly strong position by the result of the election .
30 But situations were also encountered that had not been foreseen by the Instruction Book .
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