Example sentences of "had be [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Busily he scribbled in a scratchy copperplate hand that had been taught him by a schoolmistress from the hills of Brecon his thoughts and directives in the margins of the typed sheets .
2 In fact , she did possess mettle , though going round alone in the jeep was — I believe — just feminine carelessness , like the terrible state she 'd leave her room in for her maid : powder everywhere , pink for face , white for body ; her long , strong , glossy hairs in the sink , so you would have thought the orang-utan had been availing himself of the facilities and not a pretty young woman of thirty-one .
3 Only ten minutes before , the current owner of the Rose Bowl , the rather oppressively genteel Miss Philimore , had been telling her about the wealthy local businessman who was one of the Rose Bowl 's best customers …
4 In doing so , he had to jettison most of what those close to him had been telling him for the past 16 months .
5 But the overall effect of two minutes in her presence had been to fill him with an all powerful sense of her sex .
6 As he glanced up at her , his eyes shuttered , she found herself asking another question that had been puzzling her for a while .
7 Hastily she searched for her purse in her bag , recalling part of their earlier conversation when he had been escorting her around the park .
8 It seems , however , always to have been associated by those who employed it with the idea that Britain 's historic policy towards its dependencies had been to lead them along the path towards self-government — a belief which had for its principal inspiration the history of Canada since the Durham report .
9 Coleman knew them already — they had been to see him at the University of Alabama while planning the trip — and so it was natural enough that he should now take on the chore of shepherding them around the island during their stay .
10 During his time as Party chairman , many constituency officers had been to see him on a similar errand .
11 When they met , Burn said that Donaldson had been to see him in the interim .
12 While Cleo and Dauntless tried to arrange themselves comfortably upon the sacking — which smelled malodorous in the extreme , as if the dogs had been using it as a toilet Apanage busied herself with the ghost-bagging equipment .
13 The girls had been plotting it for a month in great excitement .
14 The intention had been to brand her as a ‘ hoarder ’ as well as the ‘ milk snatcher ’ , but most of us thought this seemed an eminently sensible thing for her to have done .
15 It was the question that had been tormenting her from the very moment she had seen him enter the room .
16 His original plan had been to sell her at the Sonepur Mela in Bihar , the world 's largest animal fair and their final destination .
17 By the time they had run the half-mile back to their barracks the tiger that had been stalking them in the penumbra had emerged from his cover .
18 And romance — although ideally , if she had been advising him as a florist , she would have suggested roses instead of the more exotic lilies and orchids he had chosen .
19 His teaching after the resurrection , when " beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself " , was the climax of what he had been teaching them through the years of his ministry .
20 Our last Letters are dated Hobart Town Feb. 9 up to which time his expedition had been eminently successful ; far more so than he could have anticipated ; the most liberal assistance had been rendered him by the Authorities , everything that could facilitate his views being cheerfully accorded : while nothing could exceed the kindness of Sir John and Lady Franklin in whose house he was then residing : in fact so much were they interested in his pursuits that upon more than one occasion they accompanied him in his exploring parties .
21 Short had been saving him for the Ascot race .
22 Constable Perkins , who had been enjoying himself at the fête , ‘ patrolling ’ the exhibits , had only by chance come into the Cookery Tent at the vital moment .
23 ‘ Speaking crossly and rudely although Carrie had only been stewing indoors because she had been helping him in the shop !
24 She explained that Lazaris came through to her via a medium who went into a trance , and had been helping her for the previous eight years .
25 He had been watching her for a long time before she realised he was awake .
26 He had been watching her without a flicker of expression .
27 ( He had been watching her in the shaman 's lodge earlier !
28 She had met her connection in the usual place but the moment the deal was struck they were busted by three plainclothes policemen who had been watching them from an unmarked car on the opposite side of the road .
29 He had been pestering him for a while for stories about the grandparents he had never known .
30 His original intention had been to convert it into a school for Reich SS leaders , but by the time the architects and builders had finished and many millions of marks had been spent , he had created a Gothic monstrosity worthy of stage six at MGM , a vast film set of the kind Hollywood was fond of when historical pictures were the vogue .
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