Example sentences of "had be [verb] on a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The blue-tit that had been swinging on a bramble , singing " Heigh , ho , go-and-get-another-bit-of-moss , " stopped his acrobatics and flew into the wood .
2 She found herself unable to speak with the fear that clutched at her , the worrying possibility that her whole life had been built on a lie .
3 It seems evident that the structure had been built on a shelf cut into the steep hill slope and a terrace added on the north side .
4 It had been built on a piece of glebe land behind the church , with a narrow drive running up beside the churchyard wall , separating it from the lane , isolating it from other houses .
5 I had hinted to him that I had been engaged on a paper to be called ‘ Enslavement by Capital ’ , a title adapted from one employed by Ezra Pound in a Criterion article called more characteristically , ‘ Murder by Capital ’ .
6 However SCOTVEC and BTEC had been engaged on a number of discussions on areas of mutual interest .
7 Mr Parry said that his client had been unemployed for 13 years , unbelievably he had been sent on a computer course to Wrexham , and he could not even switch the computer on .
8 Mr Parry said that his client had been unemployed for 13 years , unbelievably he had been sent on a computer course to Wrexham , and he could not even switch the computer on.A 17-year-old youth made a remark and the offence was committed .
9 A belief in Chinese superiority stemming from a closer approximation to the natural order of the cosmos governed China 's relations with neighbouring peoples , which over centuries had been conducted on a tributary basis .
10 I had caught an eider duck that had been sheltering on a lochan and was flying back with it against the wind when I grew tired .
11 Although everything had been done on a shoestring , she was pleased with the result — and could not help feeling pleased with his praise .
12 On either side gold metal had been arranged on a wood background to create abstract angels , kneeling , praying , haloed but without faces , without radiance .
13 Quinn had been doodling on a pad .
14 Her life had been full of pain and perplexity ; it is not too much to say that her emotional needs had been fastened on a man whom she never properly understood , and that he in turn was baffled and then enraged by her insistent and neurotic demands upon him .
15 The SNM stated that the relief workers had been riding on a government military lorry ; such lorries were subject to routine attack and they appealed to relief agencies to be " independent " in performing their duties .
16 The university student had applied for help under the NHS Low Income Scheme , but said he had been assessed on a £300 loan he did not take out , which put him 39p in credit and not entitled for help .
17 Both had been dragged on a Highland holiday from leather-button cardiganed Surbiton , I also decided .
18 Nicholson did not appear in the film and was used as a production assistant by Corman ; but it is worth mentioning because it was a significant moment in Hollywood history , inspiring as it did a succession of similar films when other producers noticed that The Wild Angels grossed eight million dollars in no time at all , and had been made on a shoestring budget .
19 By the end of July an advance of about two and a half miles had been made on a front which at this depth did not exceed two miles . ’
20 Coils of 15-amp wire and hand tools had been placed on a groundsheet .
21 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
22 When it broke daylight the next morning he found he had been fishing on a sandbar which shallowed up twenty yards out .
23 Balb c mice that had been maintained on a gluten free diet for many generations in order to overcome oral tolerance to gliadin , were primed subcutaneously with 0.1 ml of BCG , vaccine .
24 Opening an extraordinary MPLA-PT congress in Luanda on April 24 , dos Santos said that agreement had been reached on a ceasefire to begin the following month and that elections would take place in September 1992 .
25 I had been fed on a diet of Enid Blyton and her boarding school series , so I was eager — even excited — to be joining one when I came over to take my ‘ A ’ levels in the late sixties : I was not at all prepared for the harsh realities of English middle-class racism .
26 Firefighters were stoned at Harris Street , Bootle , where a fire had been lighted on a railway goods line .
27 It turned out to be Terry Wade who had just heard that Trev Proby had been arrested on a number of theft and extortion charges , and had been refused bail .
28 The Canton city authorities confirmed on Aug. 16 that three Macao students at Jinan University in Canton , Chen Tse-Wei , Chin Kuo-tung and Liang Tsao-hua , had been arrested on a charge of " involvement in helping illegal elements to flee the country " .
29 The first was simply a codeword one of his paid agents had stumbled upon : a single Mandarin character , the indentation of which had been left on a notepad Jan Mach had discarded .
30 The blue cylinder with a red label had been left on a plant stall in Park Rise , Great Ayton , to collect money for the Yorkshire Cancer Fund .
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