Example sentences of "had [been] [vb pp] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Those views she had been taught in the twenties while a young girl , that men do not love or respect , still less marry , women who have ‘ given themselves ’ to them , she had been obliged to revise .
2 The minimum threshold for parties to win seats had been raised since the 1988 election from 1 to 1.5 per cent of the vote .
3 Most of the original £300,000 for the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in 1777 had been raised in the two counties , but by 1800 37 per cent was held in London and the Midlands .
4 Unlike Khruschev , Gorbachev had been raised after the 1917 revolution , was less concerned with ideological radicalism and more interested in the protection and strengthening of the USSR than in an active Third World policy .
5 Theories of ‘ urban degeneration ’ which suggested that the conditions of city life were manufacturing a deteriorated race had been aired since the 1880s , lending themselves to a number of schemes of reclamation .
6 The Park — itself unmentioned by Pevsner — had been built in the 1870s and greatly enlarged in the years after 1883 .
7 At Goulbourn a large brick structure with stone quoins and cornices and a central tower and dome had been built in the 1870s , and structure with powerful round-headed arches and long arcading on two storeys was more reminiscent of Indian stations than of those of Europe or North America .
8 It had been built in the 1860s , to take advantage of the sudden influx of visitors provided by the arrival of the London , Chatham and Dover Railway at Broadstairs .
9 Some of the poems had been written during the 1860s , others were of more recent date , but the overall impression — which so disturbed contemporary readers — of austerity , metrical irregularity and verbal roughness , reminiscent of an oral tradition , can now be seen , in the words of another poet , David Wright , ‘ as a beginning of the end of Victorian poetry ’ .
10 None of the other parties apparently secured the 7 per cent minimum required to achieve representation , although five seats had been reserved for the two Christian Assyrian Parties .
11 It was decided that sufficient experience had been gained in the three years of presentations for Physical Education and Recreation modules to allow a review in this area .
12 It aimed at boosting rice production and improving literacy and health care , and was partially financed with the revenues from oil which had been discovered in the 1950s .
13 Certainly they would have had much to talk about , recalling voyages up the New England coast ; how they had dared storms together and mixed with tough Maine characters at the Jonesport summer ball , or how one of Peters 's cruises had been christened after the four B's which constituted their provisions : beans , bacon , bread , and bananas .
14 The flow of supplies to Iraqi troops in Kuwait , he said , had been cut from the 20,000 tons per day needed to support them to only 2,000 tons .
15 Various emergency measures had been imposed during the 1989-90 disturbances in Kosovo by Serbia 's President Slobodan Milosevic .
16 The first craft guild , the guild of agriculturists , had been formed in the 1030s .
17 The idea of ‘ contracting , ’ with tendering for contracts , had been floated in the 1987 White Paper .
18 Nothing had been said between the two friends , and Ella often wondered if she had imagined a situation which did not , in fact , exist .
19 Awards chairman Alan Peaford told the audience at Torquay that 1,266 entries , the second highest so far , had been received for the 1992 contest , from every continent except Antarctica .
20 As was noted in Chapter 3 , no very great resistance had been mounted to the employment of women in the early days , partly because the numbers were small , partly because the union had been weakened by the 1872–3 strike , and partly , it must be remembered , because the girls recruited to the trade were often the daughters of print workers .
21 Proposals for a Trans-Siberian had been made since the 1850s , but it was famine and political disorder in the East at the beginning of the last decade of the century which finally prompted the building of the line .
22 He admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the slow pace of privatisation .
23 Mr Yeltsin admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the very slow pace of privatisation .
24 A clinical decision had been made in the 1960s that this hospital should serve elderly people , while the other two hospitals would care for acute admissions and the ‘ chronic ’ long-stay population .
25 He had seen for himself the progress that had been made in the three days since he had last visited the laboratories .
26 Frequent references to German and Japanese experience failed to recognise that their export drives ( based on new goods , new markets and new marketing techniques ) had been made in the 1950s and their very success changed the trading world as well as their own economies .
27 Whatever had been achieved by the 1976 Act , it had made little impact on this case except for the removal of her name from the media .
28 She learnt that it had been developed in the 1920s by a German physician , Dr Max Gerson .
29 Hitherto , since independence from New Zealand in 1962 , 45 legislators had been elected by the 20,000 Matai — the traditional male heads of extended family groups — and the remaining two by voters of European blood who were not members of any Matai family .
30 The man had been trained in the 1950s when the ‘ tactile ’ approach to teaching was favoured .
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