Example sentences of "had [been] [verb] [prep] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the passages had been constructed with precisely this intention .
2 He guessed that Turakina had been engaged in yet another attempt to negotiate a match on his behalf , and wondered which family had been involved .
3 It was a neat description by a commander who had been forewarned of just this certainty .
4 The new excise rate proposals replaced the compulsory uniform rates which it had originally proposed in 1987 , but which had been rejected by nearly all member countries .
5 The Darkfall storm had been building for quite some time , generating itself , growing stronger .
6 It took only a couple of sessions of counselling ( and production of documentary evidence ! ) to persuade Clive that a decline in frequency of intercourse following early days of marriage is normal , that the frequency of intercourse between him and Maureen was about the " national average " and that he had been misled about both this and his own physical normality .
7 The goals of the first transition phase , the first series of internal tariff reductions and measures designed to reduce the differences in the external tariffs of the Six , had been achieved without too much hardship or dispute , and the Commission was looking forward with confidence to shortening the planned duration of the second transition phase .
8 Despite the fact that the savage beating of King , who was black , had been filmed by an onlooker , the four officers had been acquitted on almost all state charges by a predominantly white jury [ see p. 38856 ] .
9 Yesterday , when the Government were defending their postition at the United Nations in Geneva on interrogation procedures and denying that anything untoward was happening , settlements were being awarded in Belfast courts to people who had claimed that they had been assaulted in just those circumstances .
10 Hurrying away on her next mission , Nicandra felt quietly elated because the little act of kindness in donating her scone had been accepted with so much pleasure and a thoughtful reservation for breakfast .
11 It had been prepared for quite some time and the brunt of it was against the Serbs , ’ said Col Jovanovic .
12 Nora had been prepared for almost any response from John , except the one she got — or thought she had got .
13 The microlight had been flying for nearly half an hour when it crashed into a field .
14 Also , a hotel room would remind her of that first night they had spent together ; what happened then had been repeated by now many times .
15 At one time so many people from the area were hanged at Newgate it had been nicknamed Jack Ketch 's Warren , and according to Paddy it had been known for as many as forty constables to march down with cutlasses to control disturbances .
16 It was also stated that a ‘ scam ’ had been running for quite some time prior to the defendants ' involvement .
17 What made it easy was that earlier charters had been produced by so many different monastic scriptoria in so many house styles that spotting the inauthentic was a task for the dedicated scholar — who in any case was more likely to be employed in propagating fraud than in hunting it out .
18 The units had been used by only half the boards surveyed , area sessions had been attended by less than one-third .
19 This measure effectively makes competitive tendering compulsory for designated services , replacing the former ( largely discretionary ) powers which had been used by relatively few authorities in specific areas ( Ascher , 1987 , especially ch. 7 ; Stoker , 1988 ) .
20 During the modernist crisis , no area of scholarly research had been subjected to as much intellectual oppression as the study of the Scriptures .
21 The manuscript on which Ernest Cotchin had been working for so many years was unfinished and unrevised when he died in September 1988 .
22 Oh it had been going for quite some time , I do n't know really when they would start .
23 The Tories had been talking about just such a move in opposition .
24 Fleury had no time to draw his final weapon , the two-bladed Indian dagger , for his adversary , it turned out , was no less impressively armed than he was himself and he was already flourishing a spare sabre which he had been carrying for just such an emergency .
25 The traditional British verve for raiding had been restored after too many years under the shadow of the World War I failures at Gallipoli .
26 I was still on the shores of the same great sea and yet had been transported into quite another world , a place on the edge of a China which seemed to have nothing in common with those islanders so forgotten and so far away .
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