Example sentences of "had [not/n't] [verb] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although they discovered they had hardly a single taste in common , he was nonetheless a witty and amusing host and she found herself laughing in a way she had not done for a considerable time .
2 The kind of music she had not heard for a long time .
3 She said she had been released half a mile away on a misty common and had not eaten for a long time .
4 But she had not bargained for a complete refusal to attend .
5 One of the president 's earliest and most loyal supporters on the Hill says , privately , that those among his constituents who , until 1992 , had not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate for 16 years think they have been tricked .
6 People asked exoneration from a mistake made by a group to which they belonged-the nation-not in individual innocence but in membership of a different and more immediate community that had acted well , a state that had not voted for a dishonest president .
7 This new town , a product of modern civilization , had grown up near the ancient Egdon Woods , where the paths over the hills had not changed for a thousand years .
8 ‘ I had not worked for a few months so I was ready to do something , ’ is how he explains his reasons for doing it .
9 She lost him then and had to search and found him eventually curled up amid the wiring in the back of the record-player where he had n't hidden for a long time , not since two dark-haired people who were into black magic had come to dinner and he had disappeared for half a day until she found his secret hole .
10 " You do n't know what your talking about , " Katherine began , experiencing a deep burning rage that she had n't felt for a long time , a rage all the more intense because she knew she could do nothing about it .
11 He made himself a mixed grill , something he had n't had for a long time , and followed it with real coffee .
12 He had n't shaved for a few days and a sickly smell clung to his clothes and hair .
13 I noticed how happy people were , which was something I had n't known for a long time .
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