Example sentences of "had [not/n't] [verb] [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 Paul had not recognized him in the porter 's uniform .
2 His knowledge of foreign issues was limited and Roosevelt had not consulted him in the brief period that Truman held the vice-presidency .
3 The exact way in which they had failed to comply with the regulations is unclear ; a representative of the Education Authority told me that the school has re-opened on a ‘ technicality ’ , because the School Council had not been consulted before the closure ; people in Village told me that the Education Authority had not consulted anyone in the community before-hand , a bigger breach of the regulations .
4 When he let go of her , she fell back against the sideboard , clutching it for support , fighting for enough composure so that she could make some clever response that would make clear that the kiss had not disturbed her in the least .
5 Perhaps Hincmar 's silence here was tactful , since Charles the Bald 's sons had not distinguished themselves in the traditional roles .
6 What a sharp , sneering face he had had , though she could not see it , as she had not seen it in the darkness of her dream .
7 I would gladly have accepted the post of manager even if I had not won it in the club raffle .
8 He was neither pallid nor flabby , prison had not marked him in the ways she expected .
9 That old bugger Grunte had not included him in the invitation to dine at some poncy joint called La Noblesse , the smartest part of the Hospitality Inn .
10 The fall had n't affected her in the slightest , but the shock of finding herself lying beneath Dane stunned her into silence .
11 He heard himself telling a girl that if he had n't made it in the music business by his twentieth birthday , he would kill himself .
12 He had said he had n't seen her in the shop , so he must have called in on occasions when Ann would be in the sweet shop and Arthur Peeble in the tobacconist 's or her father was there taking Peeble 's place ; he rarely served in the sweet shop .
13 Anyway , erm we went to the Ca Polly had n't seen them in the shops anywhere and went to Caerphilly market on Saturday morning and as we were coming from it he said look there 's a shirt you want for Robert there .
14 I 'd been hurt — the man I thought loved me had not only jilted me and stolen my money , but admitted that he had n't wanted me in the first place .
15 I had n't wanted him before he was born , and , though I had never neglected him physically , I had n't loved him in the way most mothers love their children .
16 It was , by now , Saturday , a day on which the registrar 's office was normally closed , so special arrangements had to be made and the registrar had to open up just for me , which , I imagine , had n't put him in the best of moods , which manifested itself when I could n't remember the date on which Nigel and I were married .
17 He soon calmed down , then went across and fussed over her to make up for the rumpus , though it had n't bothered her in the slightest .
18 It had n't bothered her in the slightest .
19 She had n't told him in the beginning because it was totally unimportant to her — her family was not religious — and then , after they had been married a while and she had discovered he was extremely intolerant about various classes of people — not Jews , in fact , but Negroes and Catholics — she had been afraid to tell him in case he should think she had deliberately concealed her origins because she had not trusted him .
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