Example sentences of "had [adv] [vb pp] him in the " in BNC.

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1 Without naming names , he goes on to outline the situations which had so interested him in the cases of the Melanesians and the Tari Furora , as he points out that to tamper with the pattern of primitive culture at one point is to endanger the whole structure .
2 His first-rate performances — in Hotel in New Hampshire , and as a retarded man in Square Dance — were largely unhonoured , and his many other movies were n't hot , Worse , he had to scrabble out from a confusion of drink , drugs and sexual adventure that had finally landed him in the tabloids and the jokebooks .
3 His chest hurt and he felt sick , as if someone had just kicked him in the gut .
4 I knew the farmer who was hiding him , Signor Merli , because I had often met him in the bank , and I knew he was a very honest and reliable man who would never betray anybody .
5 Mr Mandela , for his part , according to Mr Ramaphosa , had ‘ a unique greatness ’ , a magnetism which he felt in his presence on Tuesday before he had even looked him in the eye .
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