Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] an [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By the time I had finished my Kachin fieldwork I had only to attend an animal sacrifice as a passive observer and then notice how the meat of the sacrifice was shared out among " the congregation and I could know , even down to quite line detail , the precise hierarchy and mutual relationship of everyone present , which might be thirty or more individuals altogether .
2 Finds of Hamstone and lead coffins at Northover House had long suggested an inhumation cemetery north of the river , where excavation in 1982 revealed a ditched enclosure measuring c. go by 50 m ( 294 by 165 ft ) , which surrounded an estimated 1500 burials , apparently laid in rows east-west , some in coffins of lead , Hamstone or wood , others in lias limestone cists .
3 All of a sudden , I found myself in a festive gathering , as I had absent-mindedly gatecrashed an exhibition launch at the Gallery of Photography .
4 It was alleged that Gaudin had corruptly employed an opposition supporter during the campaign to investigate Tapie 's political and personal life .
5 The 15-year-old had just reached an emergency phone when a Ford Sierra swerved to a halt in front of him .
6 TIM ASHTON HAD just had an advertising executive 's lunch 1991 style : a starter and a Perrier at l'Escargot .
7 Although he had been nominated as a conservative by Protestant Unionists within the constituency , he had quickly become an O'Neill supporter .
8 The Mozarts then set off for Mannheim , which , under the music-loving Elector Carl Theodor , had one of the finest orchestras in Europe ; and since 1742 the Electoral palace had also included an opera house in the west wing .
9 Two days ago , after his daughter had told him her story , he had immediately contacted an enquiry agent whom he knew to be trustworthy and told him to find out all that he could about Dr Neil Cochrane , Sir Alastair Cochrane 's younger brother .
10 Then , before Harry had even rehearsed an opening remark , he said : ‘ You must be Harry Barnett . ’
11 Laos and Thailand had earlier signed an investment protection agreement , and had established a friendship association .
12 Rudolf Warouw , later said that the troops had fired after misunderstanding an order , and blamed provocation by armed demonstrators who had allegedly stabbed an army officer , an account rejected by eyewitnesses .
13 My timber all came from local sources : by pure chance one timber yard had recently acquired an elm butt and I purchased the first board ( a huge log sawn into 2in boards — the real stuff ) .
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