Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Communist Party had most to gain by combination with other groups , for with its strong discipline it could always hope to attract supporters from allied groups without losing many of its own members .
2 He had swiftly risen to prominence during student demonstrations in favour of a multiparty system in Tirana in December 1990 , and the DP had that month been the first opposition party to be formed [ see p. 37924 ] .
3 Moreover it is true that in one or two specific minor ways the express tried positively to limit serfdom — by ordering in 1781 that war prisoners were in future to become free men if they were converted to Orthodoxy ; and by reducing the possibilities which had hitherto existed of enserfment by marriage .
4 In 1348 the king restored the Earl of Lancaster 's title to the Honour and castle of Pontefract , which he had hitherto held on lease from the queen , ‘ having regard to the good service and great honour which our … cousin has done us in Gascony ’ .
5 Particularly was this so because the British accountancy profession played a more constructive role in the preparatory stages of the two Directives than our professional bodies had hitherto taken in relation to EC proposals .
6 It was a world beyond my wildest dreams ; one I had only seen on celluloid in the cinema at Fontanellato .
7 Another participant pointed out that the Northern Ireland budget over the last five years had only increased in line with inflation .
8 In his first 13 tournaments — up until the Swiss Open — he had only slipped over par in one event — the French Open where he missed his only cut — and he had seven top-10 finishes .
9 As the conditions changed to the more temperate climate we know today , so the proportion of reptiles had decreased — but there was no overall trend of the kind that would be implied if the mammals had only come into existence in the later geological periods .
10 The new government pledged itself to deal with a range of serious environmental problems affecting the country , the extent of many of which had only come to light after the collapse of communist rule .
11 While I am about it , I had better apologise on behalf of a contributor , who was castigated by post for not looking up the meaning of a phrase that was , to him , mysterious .
12 Peter Blake turned up from Gravesend for his interview after a recent accident : whilst bicycling at night a man had suddenly crossed in front of him with a pram , causing Blake to land on his face on a newly made road .
13 The measure was condemned by some economists as crude and ill-conceived , particularly since it threatened to wipe out the personal savings of many ordinary people : Soviet citizens were generally disinclined to place their money in accounts with the state savings bank , either because of mistrust , or because the low interest rate provided little incentive , or because it was necessary to carry a large amount of cash in case of chancing upon a scarce commodity which had suddenly come into stock in a state shop .
14 It is as if the words had suddenly come to life inside my head .
15 It was a sort of cabaret to the main business of the halt , which was the consumption of quite a lot of a bear which had incautiously come within bowshot of Hrun .
16 Many of the officers were released after Gen. Tanay had apparently gone on strike in protest .
17 But it had been the older sister he had gone there with , and had apparently abandoned in favour of the younger , more exciting girl .
18 However , an EC threat to contribute only half of the amount deemed necessary for Bulgaria and Romania ( respectively $800 million and $1,000 million ) did not materialize , as EC Finance Ministers , meeting separately , had already decided on aid to these countries without the precondition of equal contributions from their G-24 partners .
19 At times Kylie , who had already appeared on television by then , would talk of her hopes for fame .
20 At the time of writing , ‘ Countdown To Extinction ’ was enjoying its sixth consecutive week in the US Top 10 and had already generated in excess of two million sales worldwide .
21 The expected shortfall in social services funding for community care had already led to tightening of the criteria that social workers will use to decide who is eligible for care management , and patients with moderate needs for care might lose out altogether .
22 Carter had already excavated on behalf of Lord Amherst in the 1890s , but it was during his period with Lord Carnarvan that he made his most spectacular and significant finds , digging at Thebes and in the Valley of the Kings .
23 She had already fallen into sin by meeting Andrew in remote places whenever she could .
24 Fortunately for her the camera had already fallen in love with the new royal cover girl .
25 She had already fallen in love with him , her whole heart had been surrendered , but he could never know that because he would have such power over her that she would never be able to deny him her body .
26 She had already fallen in love with Matthew Preston .
27 By the time the Earthtrust team arrived , two nursing calves had already died of starvation after being separated from their mothers .
28 The Waste lay on a high part of the forest so that when they reached it the sun , which had already sunk from sight in the valleys , was still poised above the dark low edge of the distant forest .
29 I had already come into conflict over race and patriotism .
30 The organizers of the exhibition wanted a Boston Tacker to stand in the foyer to tie in with the theme of the seventy fifth anniversary of the B U locating however , locating the complete model has proved something of a headache like the Model T Ford , the Boston Tacker was always very common but is now something of a rarity and the branch had finally settled for head to be borrowed from C and J Clarke , shoe machi , museum in Street , Somerset .
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