Example sentences of "had [vb pp] out [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Nightingale had been a wartime soldier in a fairly respectable regiment ( George 's opinion as an excavalryman ) and while he had filled out to a pink-and-white chubbiness he still wore a small military moustache that had stayed loyally ginger as a reminder of the Desert campaign .
2 In the opinion of many Bohm had jumped out of an indeterminate frying pan into a crackling non-local fire .
3 It was making her heartbeat erratic , and her whole body had broken out in a fine dew of perspiration .
4 The tree was gleaming green with new foliage that had broken out from the charred branches of the first encounter between the English and the islanders .
5 It was as if she had fallen out of a generous sky .
6 He could always get old Benny Robinson , his helper , to sweep the place up and tie up the piles of cardboard , but Benny had already swept up twice that day and he was now busy sorting out bundles of twine which had fallen out of a damaged carton and become unwound .
7 She had enjoyed Out of the Silent Planet .
8 He had proposed the visit to Burford on 17 May 1968 but had dropped out of the ill-fated return journey .
9 They had dropped out of the human chain of ancestors and descendants that had formerly bound them all together .
10 What had started out as a dramatic sea chase and developed into a running battle had fizzled out in a disappointing anti-climax .
11 The staff were also worried about his speech , not seeming to take into account the fact that this was the first time he had come out of a Punjabi-speaking environment and was having to cope with new experiences in a foreign language .
12 It had come out of the blue : a brief note from her , saying that she had to undergo a surgical operation .
13 Whilst they had been watching the protesters , a waitress had come out of The Crossed Keys hotel on the corner of the square carrying a tray of interesting-looking glasses .
14 The words had come out with a distinct tang of broad Lancashire , but she immediately withdrew into her pseudo-Southern gentility .
15 The waitress from The Crossed Keys , unsuspecting , had come out with a fresh supply of punch .
16 We had come out on a broad dirt road .
17 Felicity had come out in a severe facial rash and spent the time either screaming or staring fixedly at the paperknife on her desk .
18 From the time of James 's second Indulgence , most Whigs and Nonconformists had come out against the suspending power , on the promise that if they stuck by the Church , they would be given some measure of toleration .
19 The city 's funeral barons had turned out in an unprecedented expression of their admiration and their sympathy , and Creed took full advantage of the fact .
20 It had been the first casino in modern Russia , had operated out of a converted bedroom on the second floor .
21 Jeans cut off thigh-high to make shorts and a T-shirt he had made out of an old man 's vest he had bought for 20p in a sale under the arches at Charing Cross Station and dyed green and yellow .
22 It was too late , I could n't prevent myself from eidetiking Mr Broadhurst 's unusual caduceus , the one he had made out of an old TV aerial garnished with flex , and I could n't prevent myself from reading on :
23 It hardly seemed fair to keep them in the cage she had made out of an old claret case she had dragged up from the cellar .
24 In Soho the Partisan coffee bar , founded by the New Left Review — which had grown out of the New Reasoner in 1960- was attracting a far more Bohemian and disreputable crowd than the straighter new leftists for which it had been intended .
25 In their publicity for the film , Warner Bros boasted of the way in which the story had grown out of an actual incident and of Judge Musmanno 's involvement in the subsequent litigation , and also of how ex-miners had been brought in to ensure authentic mining scenes .
26 Additionally , the Hammer community was in the process of housing redevelopment , and many in-group members had moved out of the immediate area .
27 Ramsey had moved out of the Barthian influence which via Hoskyns attracted him during the earlier 1930s .
28 Those people whose families had moved out from the inner areas still retained some ties with relatives in the inner city , but clearly such ties are by definition weaker in quality than ties with immediate neighbours , and they were dismissed as relatively weak in our inner-city network analysis .
29 Sanchia Holmes , manageress of the Framework clothes shop , said Saturday was usually their busiest day and they had missed out on a good deal of custom .
30 Barrie Lamb , chairman of the Darlington Railway Preservation Society , claimed the council had missed out on a major tourist attraction .
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