Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [pers pn] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All the way up on the ferry from Vienna , Earth , Jezrael kept remembering how he had treated her at the briefing .
2 In retrospect I can see that this implication can be drawn from the envelope , and I only wish I had realised it at the time .
3 In September 1960 Blake and his family arrived in Beirut where MI6 had enrolled him at the language school known as the Middle East Centre for Arab Studies .
4 Dalgliesh , who had heard him at a police concert , never ceased to be surprised that so narrow a chest and so slight a frame could produce such a powerful organ-toned bass .
5 Sitting on the ground in front of it were the two constables who had delayed him at the dovecot during the arms search .
6 I turned to find that a girl had joined me at the bar .
7 It was as though he had joined them at the table , and it was n't doing D'Arcy 's appetite any good at all .
8 The wedding , planned for November … ’ ) she had learned that she was the goddaughter of Lady Bartlett ( that mother of sons … ) and had joined them at the end of July .
9 Her mother had telephoned her at the nurses ' home where she had been living and had asked her if she could come home .
10 Beryl 's words had impressed him at the time because they summed up his own vague feeling that what had happened and what was happening might be consequences of the old man 's cynical , even malicious contrivings .
11 This had dropped him at a garage in Cromcruach and had then mysteriously vanished before he could offer his thanks .
12 A kindly lorry driver on his way to North Wales , chatting of his own daughter and his home , had dropped her at the roundabout at the top of the Banbury Road at about lunch-time .
13 He had pressed her to marry him , though he was considerably older than she was , and she had accepted him at a time of great emotional exhaustion .
14 He had met them at the Piazza Venezia two hours before .
15 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
16 I had met her at the England-USA match in Birmingham and she had offered to help me with my career .
17 Sally-Anne had met him at a party ; he had long been settled in England , and he had been impressed and amused by her fiery conversation and her obvious intelligence .
18 When I asked Lee what 's going on , he told me this guy had met him at the airport and that he had a letter and had said he 'd caddied for Henry Cotton .
19 Now imagine that instead of sitting behind his desk your boss had met you at the door and ushered you to a seat , then pulled up a chair next to you .
20 Dan Sandford had met us at the railway station in Addis Ababa and had brought with him Omar , our prospective headman , to clear our baggage through customs and deal with the other formalities .
21 He had seen them at the County Show , where he had gone for the rabbits , all those girls with plaits and scrubbed faces and clean gloves , doing an exhibition ride .
22 She knew Gwen Evans only slightly ; she had seen her at the funeral , and previous to that a couple of times , but the memory stuck .
23 He had recognised her at once when he had seen her at the funeral , and even then her looks , though pale and wan , had surprised him with their purity .
24 Many of them had seen it at the synagogue meeting on the previous night , but now in the daylight they were able to examine it more closely and exclaim at its resplendence .
25 Well I , I had done it at the interval .
26 It had soon passed , but it had alarmed her at the time .
27 Nancy Ball had only been with Hugo for a few months and it was much longer than that since Harriet had visited him at the office .
28 But I had bought mine at a time when I 'd luckily accumulated some nice big fees , and she is just what I need , in every way .
29 " You will read this book just as though you had bought it at a bookstall and you were reading it in the ordinary way as a whole . "
30 The millionaire proudly handed the superintendent the cage and , while winding up the clockwork mechanism , described how he had bought it at a country auction in Warwickshire .
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