Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [noun pl] of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Following Broca 's ( 1861 , 1865 ) analyses of aphasia in right.handed patients who had sustained lesions of the left frontal lobe , Jackson ( 1868 ) drew attention to the case of a left handed patient who had become aphasic following a presumed right.sided lesion .
2 In early April a figure had been given of 1,108 security personnel deaths since June 1990 , when the breakdown of a year-long ceasefire [ see pp. 37529-30 ] had dashed hopes of a political solution to the Tamil separatist issue .
3 Wilson , whose own competence left something to be desired but who had learned from experience , had already centralised the finances which he had accused branches of the old union of frittering away .
4 Croydon cars already had cushioned seats of the highest standard on both decks and chromium plated handrails , so that they required less modification than the ex-L.C.C. cars rebuilt at the same time .
5 It was particularly disappointing as the Scots had shown signs of a refreshing midfield arrogance which had been missing from many of their recent displays .
6 On Aug. 25 Radio Tropic , a local station in the Haitian capital Port-au Prince , reported that Baena Soares had invited representatives of the army-backed government of Prime Minister Marc Bazin [ for whose June inauguration see p. 38957 ] to attend talks in Washington on Sept. 1 with supporters of exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide , deposed in a military coup in September 1991 [ see pp. 38430 ; 38522-23 ] .
7 The organizers had invited representatives of the rival Yedinstvo Internationalist Movement [ described on p. 36855 as the " Inter-Front " group ] and the Gagauz Khalky movement [ see p. 37047 ] , and of workers ' committees in Tiraspol .
8 On the road to Laredo they talked student politics , how the US Central Intelligence Agency had financed sections of the National Union of Students .
9 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
10 In spite of a budget deficit which had necessitated borrowings of an estimated US$1,445 million , delegates broke with precedent and rejected government attempts to reduce public-sector employment ( estimated to comprise 60 per cent of the working population ) and to cut subsidies on basic goods and services .
11 In September the USA had announced details of an additional US$700 million package of military assistance to Israel , including the supply of Apache and Blackhawk helicopters and the " prepositioning " of some US$300 million worth of military equipment in Israel for use by either Israeli or US troops .
12 At that time opponents had voiced fears of a likely " brain drain " amid predictions that millions would emigrate .
13 After the coup , the only way leaders who had remained members of the central committee or the Politburo or even of CPSU regional committees could retain their influence was to repudiate the party and leave it as quickly as possible .
14 A sign by its side provided the history of the late Stone-Age burial chamber together with its date of discovery and a list of those who had assisted members of the Danish Archeaological Society on the dig : ‘ professor Eberhardt , Professor Danziger , their wives and their children . … ’
15 He liked best the stormy winter evenings when , working late , he could see the lights of shipping prinking the horizon as they made their way down the coast to the Yarmouth lanes , and see the flashing lightships and the beam from Happisburgh Lighthouse , which for generations had warned mariners of the treacherous offshore sands .
16 By Easter heavy frosts had ended hopes of a good harvest that year , and in the summer and autumn food riots broke out in the country at large as the price of a quartern loaf — where one could be had at all — rose from 3d. to over 1s .
17 On April 11 Pöhl had denied rumours of an imminent rise in German rates , noting that inflation had actually fallen from 2.7 per cent in February to 2.5 per cent in March , despite strong economic growth and public-sector borrowing .
18 Shortly before the elections the federal government had released details of an alleged plot to take Sabah out of the Federation .
19 Something about an Iron Casket that had held secrets of the Ancient Past …
20 Voice of Vietnam radio reported on Jan. 6 that De Michelis had informed officials of the Italian government 's expanded aid programme for Vietnam , including a US$60,000,000 package to cover new projects to be carried out during the 1993-94 period .
21 They had ordered halves of the local draught beer which they were n't in a hurry to finish .
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