Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [art] more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bevin , impressed by Soviet intransigence during the foreign ministers ' conference at the end of 1947 , decided that the time had come for a more overt display of Western unity .
2 The warmth of a moment ago that had so overwhelmed her had cooled to a more familiar glint of contempt .
3 The Repton boy 's horror at Churchill 's anti-Bolshevist campaign had turned into a more adult and less ferocious criticism .
4 As they could no longer live in trees and needed the plants with which they had co-evolved in the more seasonal habitats in the beginnings of agriculture , at least vegeculture , those who did not cultivate had to trade .
5 They took what was left after the church schools had creamed off the more academic pupils and the upper classes .
6 Within a year he had moved to a more creative agency and four years later was working at the then most creative agency in London .
7 The EC had moved toward a more flexible position in October when the German cabinet agreed that subsidies to farmers could be reduced and partly replaced by direct income support .
8 Many analysts had called for a more ambitious target in reducing the budget deficit .
9 For practical purposes by the end of our period chattel slavery had retreated to the more backward parts of the Middle East and Asia , where it no longer played a significant agricultural role .
10 They included Henri de Lubac , later to be raised to the rank of cardinal , though only after he had retreated from the more extreme position on the relationship between nature and grace he had adopted in 1946 in his book Surnaturel ; Marie-Dominique Chenu , one of whose books was placed on the Index in 1942 for daring to suggest that Thomas Aquinas ought to be studied against the history of his times ; and Yves Congar , who survived to become one of the leading theologians of Vatican II .
11 The officials had opted for the more prestigious Royal Mail charge , rather than the more tenuous one of murder of the post-boy .
12 In 1798 the threat of military invasion from Napoleonic France had only just ebbed when the Bishop of Durham announced to a startled House of Lords that it had come to his attention that the only reason the enemy forces had backed away from military invasion was because they had hit on a more sinister method of bringing Britannia to heel .
13 But it seemed , a generation later , that even the writers whom Eliot chose to publish — like W. H. Auden , George Barker or Vernon Watkins — had reverted to a more insular if not parochial tradition .
14 Most heads could identify changes that had led to a more balanced or improved curriculum , either as a result of the purchase of additional facilities or due to a change in curriculum planning .
15 Greece had hoped for a more favourable frontier with Turkey ; she got some of what she wanted in 1881 .
16 It was clear that the Adjudicator had hoped for a more detailed explanation .
17 Jonadab had followed at a more leisurely pace , not wishing to appear too eager to hear Annie 's news .
18 They have relied upon the ideas of novelists and playwrights with no deep interest in cinema , or the work of second-raters who might have produced something good if they had worked within a more stimulating environment , but never had the chance .
19 If in fact she had proceeded along a more orthodox path , she could have become one of the great political women of our time .
20 No marriage had begun with a more definite understanding of what each required of the other .
21 He liked to make his own discoveries and follow his own direction , but their father had insisted upon a more rigorous approach .
22 Harry had been all for building a full-blown ship of three hundred tons or more , with four masts , three decks , two castles and ten brass pieces into the bargain , but Sam Gristy had insisted upon a more modest outlay , and a three-masted bark had been agreed upon .
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