Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Seville Junta behaved with criminal selfishness and , but for the moderation of its general , it might have declared war on Granada ; it refused to send the Andalusian Army to the critical Ebro front where the French , after Joseph had withdrawn from Madrid in the panic caused by the defeat of French corps by the patriots of Bailén , were massing for a reinvasion of Spain .
2 He brought an action against the chairman and secretary of the club , as officers of the club , claiming that they were liable for the injuries he had sustained by reason of the condition of the club 's premises .
3 The army that was fighting there , particularly its professional component , was still bruised by the defeat it had sustained in Indochina in the early 1950s and was determined not to repeat the experience .
4 She had wanted to stay with her brother , but he had called her a child , he had referred to Tallis as the woman whom he loved , and Morthen had taken both statements to her young heart .
5 They had tried a few in the Fahan Lodge Hotel after sailing back the night before , been seen off by two ugly English girls ( Morally ugly , said Rory — they would n't screw ) and had roared into Buncrana in the BMW and done the High Street bars .
6 Theda had gazed with awe upon the dish of ham and eggs , the lavishly buttered bread and the pot of tea , bereft of words .
7 By the sixth century , a colony of holy men had gathered at Glastonbury in the Somerset Levels .
8 Once baptised in the fiery power of the Spirit which had been in Jesus , the disciples at once interpret it as the fulfilment of Joel 's prophecy about the availability of the Spirit in the last days , and proclaim the good news to the representative crowd from ‘ every nation under heaven ’ which had gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost ( 2:16ff ) .
9 A group of spectators had gathered like vultures on the pavement .
10 Their press network , built up from 1917 on , had fluctuated in extent with the fortunes of the Civil War , but at its end nearly sixty papers in various national languages had been set up .
11 As the new century had progressed , the catholic cause in the Anglican communion had fluctuated in line with the churchmanship of the two Archbishops .
12 Again I wondered at Edward 's way of making me feel like the useless son out of a folk-tale who had stumbled by chance into the hollow hills .
13 She had stopped to help someone who had fainted from hunger in the street .
14 A political storm which had developed in September around the proposed sale of 35 small islands in the Bay of Argolis and the Saronic Gulf abated after a government official , Byron Polydoras , on Oct. 14 assured journalists that the proposals had been that " certain rocky islets " should be leased — not sold — " on a long-term basis for tourist development " .
15 They were helped by trends of thought which had developed in Greece in the fourth century .
16 This showed how very different everything was from the situation that had developed in England over the course of centuries , and colonial developments always gave Englishmen the idea that they were moving into empty land and seeing what could be made out of it .
17 These reflected the extraordinary complexity of the political situation which had developed in Yugoslavia during the years of the German occupation , when different ethnic , religious and political groups had formed shifting alliances , according to whether their main enemy at any time had seemed to be the occupying Germans or Tito 's partisans working to establish a Socialist state in post-war Yugoslavia .
18 I suggested to Wilson that there had to be a short cooling-off period , after which Max Aitken would be a suitable person to go to Rhodesia as an unofficial ambassador , since in the war he had flown with Smith in the RAF and they had become good friends .
19 Releasing the list to the press sometimes backfired : on one occasion a wife read in a newspaper that she and her husband had flown to Paris for the weekend .
20 The people who 'd chartered her had flown to Paris for the weekend and her crew had a party .
21 All Penny Seu Chen could tell me when I returned on Friday evening to find you gone was that you and he had flown to Hualien for the weekend . ’
22 The United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary , Douglas Hurd , had flown to Maputo during the Commonwealth summit in Harare on Oct. 16-22 and , according to some sources , put strong pressure on President Joachim Chissano to come to an agreement .
23 From then on Endill was never again scared by the strange footsteps he had heard for years in the middle of the night .
24 Over and over again initiatives towards ‘ Imperial union ’ had broken into spray against the rock .
25 They , by contrast , did not have to return the money they had received in compensation from the Republic .
26 Some papers later reported that he had stopped for tea at the Ritz but this unlikely frivolity was angrily and officially denied .
27 Six metal beer kegs loaded on to a Swiss bound goods train which had stopped at Strasbourg on the same day the vagrant had claimed to be there .
28 He invited Patrick to sit down in the hall and took him in detail through events from the moment the car had stopped in front of the house .
29 There were other , smaller tasks which he wished to complete : when he had finished the play , he planned to revise for publication the lectures which he had given on education at the University of Chicago .
30 He poured into the telephone a long and unintelligible narrative about Profumo 's villainy in relation to the unhappy answer he had given to Wigg about the army .
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