Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He had intended to leave them at the station , but the Left Luggage Office , he had just been reminded , closed at 9.30 .
2 Dougal had arranged to hire it for the Sunday and the Monday , just to be on the safe side .
3 ‘ It reminds me of my dear father one day at Sandwich , ’ she was saying , ‘ when we were picnicking on the sands and we had arranged to meet him at the nineteenth hole .
4 Another time , I had arranged to meet him in the Naafi , a popular meeting place on the camp , at 5pm .
5 Women who were currently taking the pill or who had stopped taking it in the last 12 months had a significantly lower rate of endometriosis than those who had stopped for longer periods .
6 She had undertaken to contact him by the end of next week to report what progress she had made and he did not doubt she would do so , for she was a woman of her word .
7 He had resolved to keep it for the whole year , egged on by his father , who had promised him a new bicycle if he succeeded .
8 Adventure Training put him in contact with me and after five days Bombardier Michael Goldsmith and a subaltern had come to see me from the Outer Hebrides with a view to offering an army vehicle .
9 They held him in a detention camp for three months , the Germans , and then the officers had come to see him from the SS .
10 After he had come to collect her at the flat they joined a party of junior officers and debutantes at the Haymarket Theatre to see Pygmalion by the fashionable playwright George Bernard Shaw .
11 My husband had come to collect us at the airport and we came back here in a minicar .
12 He had come to question her in the manner of someone who comes to peer at a freak in a sideshow .
13 I did n't know it at the time , but he had come to prepare us for the move to England .
14 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
15 With agitated fingers , his father felt in his shirt pocket for a cigarette , but he had forgotten to bring them from the kitchen .
16 But young children had reported spotting him inside the school , putting paper on to the fire .
17 Cacheris had sought to reassure them over the guarantees of civil liberties governing trials in the USA .
18 In their initial — and nearly successful — attempt on the Mort Homme the Germans had sought to outflank it from the northeast , and now they tried a similar movement on Côte 304 from the west .
19 But the second after the bottle shattered , the horror of what she had done hit her with the shock of a faceful of freezing water .
20 And he had been a healthy influence on Clare when she most needed it — when that creeping Jesus of a Damien had threatened to infect her with the mildew of his own damp piety .
21 To Etienne , this could only be one person — the blanc who had threatened to betray him to the President in the conversation which Etienne now interpreted with the benefit of hindsight .
22 Probably she had been kept late by whatever it was she was doing and had decided to leave it until the morning .
23 Browne affirmed that it was , and in July Eliot sent a draft of the first three acts ; he had entitled the as yet incomplete play " One-Eyed Reilly " but in a postscript explained that he had decided to change it to The Cocktail Party .
24 Even more exciting for me was the news that our Principal , Reg Clarke , had decided to entrust me with the command of the first of the 1.5 million pound cruisers to be named Searcher .
25 He knew that she was falling in love , and had decided to warn her of the mistake she was making .
26 jack Carey , who was an explorer as well as a student of Oriental languages , had promised to take them to the most remote corners of the earth some day , and they had often pictured themselves camping in the silent desert , or following some ancient track to a ruined city which had once been great .
27 Father had promised to take me with the added bonus of an afternoon off school .
28 His father had promised to drive him to the meeting and watch him get the award .
29 As she went she remembered that Angela had promised to meet her at the bus-stop .
30 It had had brake trouble and Morrison , who was an expert mechanic , had offered to mend it over the weekend .
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