Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [pron] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ruth had heard her boasting to the Carsons .
2 He had heard me talking to the Princess .
3 The next day Julia woke with all the trivial but uncomfortable symptoms of a developing cold , and she wondered whether she had caught it dawdling by the edge of the icy lagoon .
4 The body of Elizabeth Page-Alucard , 41 , was found on Saturday by her boyfriend , Peter Hook , 25 , after he had reported her missing to the police .
5 Maureen had met her returning from the photographers ' room , discovered the keys and taken them .
6 Her mother , Lavender , had fallen in love with a scholarly man called Frederick Legh when she had met him walking on the Moor .
7 He was sure no one had noticed him talking to the journalist .
8 Ted had been a little belligerent at first but a couple of hints that Pascoe had seen him drinking in the Club earlier and an oblique reference to the breathalyser test had calmed him down and made him most co-operative .
9 She denied it but did not tell him she had seen him fighting with the pedlar or that the man had chased her and Oliver in Nice .
10 That moment when she had seen him standing on the jetty , a tall dark figure against the bright sun , would remain locked in her memory foever .
11 In desperation , he might appeal to witnesses who had seen me sitting on the bench in the park while he was talking to my double outside .
12 Certainly she had seen something moving in the forest that day on Ridgery Steep , something fairly large , something white , and Allen had failed to see it ; but then it was possible that he had not looked in the right spot at the right moment and that his failure to see it was an accident .
13 An officer who worked alongside her for many years interpreted the fact that he had seen her kneeling at the mercy seat more than any other officer as a sign of her close relationship with God and the constant need for the kind of realignment which requires a certain humbling of oneself .
14 The friar was sure he had seen her lying in the graveyard amongst the tombs with Simon the tiler , and he a married man with three children .
15 Carlie believed everyone was out to do her in , and she had disliked Mrs Mason , the foster mother , as soon as she had seen her standing in the doorway .
16 He had seen her sitting at the high table among the other ladies of noble birth who served the Empress .
17 Emily knew that her beautiful daughter had a dozen friends at school , she had seen her walking down the street when classes were over , surrounded by other girls .
18 Coming early downstairs long before the others , she had seen it lying on the floor inside the door .
19 Damn you , she wanted to say , suddenly hating him as she hated realising that while he had watched her reading from the Palmer & Pearson file that night — she had been oblivious that she had n't been wearing her spectacles — but not so him !
20 Although they were still only in their teens , the two young Annamese had undergone a drastic change in appearance in the four years since the Sherman family had watched them gambolling around the cooking tent of their father , Ngo Van Loc , the hunting camp " boy " of Jacques Devraux .
21 He had found himself looking into the infinitely complex growth of stem and grass and leaf and tendril and fine twig that covered the moor in a thick springy upholstery , but also beyond this , through and beside this , into clear darkness .
22 One night he had found himself chuckling at the merry escapades of Mr Pickwick ; another night he had wept uncontrollably at the death of Little Nell .
23 Mr Popple had found her lying on the bathroom floor upon returning from the Lamb and Flag .
24 from Spain , where he had found them growing in the wild .
25 No doubt he had observed her talking to the Shergolds and was itching for the chance to find out what she knew .
26 She had left it sitting on the table in her flat , she remembered , thinking back .
27 As for the rest , well , the Fijians had left us singing in the rain .
28 What had started me thinking about the underground — or the informal sector — was spending a couple of years in Latin America .
29 Also , he had kept her waiting at the Old Mitre and she would have preferred him to say everything then , or telephone now , rather than trail after her .
30 It had been the hope which had kept her going through the dawn and early morning .
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