Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The government confirmed on May 13 that it had landed a contingent of troops on the southern tip of Bougainville for the first time since 1990 , when it had withdrawn its forces from the island in the face of a protracted secessionist guerrilla war conducted by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army ( BRA ) .
2 In the face of mounting political tensions , it was reported on April 9 that President Mobutu Sese Seko had withdrawn his objections to the holding of a national conference .
3 She glanced in the mirror and declared I had wrecked her eyes for the rest of the day .
4 As for himself , he was sorry she was upset — and also , if he was honest , a little irritated too , because the crisis had wrecked his plans for the morning .
5 By that time Luib had gathered his men from the outer gates and was attacking the enemy rear .
6 Napoleon , far from manoeuvring about the Duke 's right flank , had rammed his troops into the seam between the allied armies .
7 What is certain is that the Egyptian goldsmiths had developed their skills to the point at which they were able to mount amethyst , lapis lazuli and turquoise in the gold bracelets buried with King Zer of the first dynasty in his tomb at Abydos .
8 ‘ Word came that the reivers had hidden their galleys in the sea lochan at Arivegaig . ’
9 Croatia and Slovenia had recalled their representatives from the Presidency and the representatives of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Macedonia had not attended since October [ see p. 38513 ] .
10 He had heard her cries in the night .
11 The press in Zambia had broken its links with the South only to forge new ones with the British press and its allied agencies .
12 She had stopped her tears with the heel of her hand , and face-paint smeared it .
13 In one participating practice one general practitioner declined to take part in the study and a further three were excluded — two because they had joined their practices within the previous six months and one because he left the practice during the study .
14 I noticed that he had pressed his elbows into the desk to stop his hands shaking .
15 Where had they all gone , those extraordinary skinny left-wing men , who had bullied their girl-friends into the Women 's Movement and been surprised when the hand with which they had so kindly offered freedom had been bitten so damn hard ?
16 ‘ Araminta wanted me to clear up first , ’ Theda answered , trying to still the flutter that had attacked her pulses at the touch of his hand on her arm .
17 But this support evaporated once deputies had won their seats in the Majlis ( parliament ) on a pro-Rafsanjani platform .
18 Hecataeus ended his excursus by noticing , in conformity with a well-known pattern of Greek ethnography , that the Jews had modified their customs under the influence of Persian and Macedonian rule .
19 Sylvia had enjoyed her months in the States , but was glad to be going home .
20 Morton Smith had disclosed his findings about the early church in The Secret Gospel , following it with his controversial portrait in Jesus the Magician .
21 Soon after this incident Richard emerges from the obscurity which had surrounded his movements in the last two years since he knelt in homage at Montmirail .
22 Running downstairs we found that my eldest sister , Gertrude , who had been helping Mum , had caught her fingers in the rollers .
23 After Becky had bade her farewells to the rest of the party , Guy drove her back to Chelsea and having said , ‘ Goodnight , Miss Salmon , ’ shook her by the hand .
24 Under President Lee Teng-hui 's political reform programme , all " senior " members had resigned their seats by the end of 1991 [ see p. 38679 ] .
25 She had regained her senses by the time she made her way back with his drink .
26 Even in St Petersburg , where the proportion of hereditary proletarians was greatest , only a narrow majority of workers had severed their ties with the countryside .
27 Often this was easier after they had severed their links with the movement .
28 The Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial were in interlocking ownership ; but the first Lord Rothermere , one of the founders ( in 1903 , when the Mirror was to be for women , edited by women — the women failed , and sacking them , the Harmsworths ' henchman said , was like drowning kittens ) had dispersed his shares on the Stock Exchange in 1931 .
29 He chuckled to himself as he drove , and had forgotten his worries by the time he had hauled two armfuls of grocery supplies up to his apartment .
30 Discussing the case of a headmaster who had reported his pupils to the police for criminal behaviour , the Philosopher , who was female , expressed the opinion that , since the headmaster is in loco parentis , he should have tried to avoid resort to law ; he should have dealt with his pupils himself , privately and without publicity — as would , she suggested , a loving parent .
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