Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [pron] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All the same , the theme is still national honour and personal loyalty , the lessons which Dick teaches to Anastasia as successfully as he had taught them to the weak but responsive Carol .
2 The tempo of a summer 's day had adjusted itself to the measured progress of the tournament through the placid dunes and sandhills .
3 But the archaeologists ' obsession with the past had blinded them to the real cause of the lamentations they witnessed along the river .
4 I was a war baby and a shame to my birth-dead mother who had given herself to the last-time-leave blandishments of my faceless father .
5 He had addressed it to the Chief Accountant personally , and a letter so addressed , in his distinctive handwriting would stand out a mile when the letters were spread across Steve Pyle 's desk .
6 Whereas Catherine the Great had confined them to the western and southern borderlands of the empire and Alexander I had encouraged them to consider economic diversification and cultural assimilation , Nicholas intervened in their lives more dramatically .
7 A tramp had found her freezing and near to death on the doorstep of a gin palace near the Elephant and Castle and he had carried her to the local Catholic church .
8 The land in question was in that part of northern Zawiya which is called Mannaia , and it seems beyond doubt that the Mannaia had granted it to the Sanusi order in the 1870s .
9 Again , on the flight home from Melbourne at the end of their Australian tour in 1985 , Charles hand-wrote a long and frank letter about his thoughts on a wide range of issues , including the Greater London Council — a politically explosive subject — — and had entrusted it to the common mail , without apparently thinking it unwise .
10 A new manager and a new accountant had alerted him to the alarming fact that , notwithstanding his private plane , home recording studio and sports cars , he was short of money .
11 Two years after they had been married , Elinor had suddenly , mysteriously , developed a weakness in her legs , and Henry , who , equally mysteriously , in those days was n't trying to kill her , had hurried her to the local hospital where the doctors had diagnosed — wait for it — polyneuritis .
12 She had got as far as pulling out her suitcase , which looked scruffier than ever now that her eyes had accustomed themselves to the comfortable luxury of Luke Hunter 's flat , and laying it open on the bed before something inside her rebelled .
13 For thirty-nine years he had devoted himself to the British public .
14 He remembered the day in Paris , all those years ago , when his uncle had introduced him to the tall , quiet man to whom his life would be dedicated .
15 In the mid-1950s he had introduced them to the Naval College in Rhode Island .
16 Would Eve be furious if Mother Francis heard the whole story of the lies , the unhappiness and the circumstances that had brought her to the other side of the city and now into a hospital bed ?
17 And it was indescribably eerie — so that I almost began to wonder if Posi had brought me to the right planet .
18 Since Stephen had appointed him to the permanent position of maintenance manager , he was often out on the property .
19 And you had best be grateful to me , for if you had left it to the little men of law he could buy better and shiftier than you , and you would never have got your money at all . ’
20 We always said that someone at the office called Jenkins had taken me to the local wine bar after work and we 'd run into some old girlfriend of his and Gillian who knew this girl vaguely was with her and we sort of got on immediately and made another date .
21 When Ricky began taking Jenny out she was surprised to learn that Minton paid him money and had taken him to the Caribbean .
22 Therefore Sharpe must die , and if he was not to be killed in a duel , then he must be taken care of in another way and , in the darkness as Lord John had said his farewells , Jane had urged him to the other way .
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