Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 As Simon himself acknowledged , English public health administration had developed in a piecemeal and ad hoc fashion for much of the early nineteenth century , with national supervision divided between his own Privy Council Medical Office and the Poor Law Board .
2 She had fallen into a deep and dreamless sleep , the first time in a fortnight she had slept so well , when Quinn nudged her awake .
3 But 1961 social class II fertility was almost as high as that of class III , while that of IV and V — semi-skilled and unskilled workers — had fallen by a tenth or more .
4 If she had come to a pitiful and desperate end , this woman for one would not be sorry .
5 Poor Owen Rowlands , the first-day leader , had slumped to a 76 and dropped to sixth place .
6 What had begun as a schoolgirl crush had grown into a profound and romantic desire to be Charles 's bride .
7 The number of detectives on the case had risen to a dozen and before it was finished that number might rise to fifty or sixty .
8 As we have seen , this had occurred on a small but steady scale since pre-Roman times but new pressures forced a rapid growth in the sixteenth century .
9 He had embarked on a serious and very likely dangerous undertaking which , until its conclusion , must precede anything and everything in his life .
10 Foinavon had reduced to a canter and he jumped the fence off his hocks like a show jumper .
11 She went to bed in her own room , still full of pictures and possessions that had belonged to a previous and vanished Phoebe .
12 Then had entered upon a wise and just rule , marked by church endowments and by pilgrimage .
13 Along with Argentina , Chile was one of the first countries in Latin America to experience union organisation and by 1970 , the labour movement had emerged as a strong and ideologically independent organisation .
14 He had emerged as a consistent and capable performer and had acquired a range of skills essential to his later success in politics .
15 Earlier reports that Chancellor Kohl had suggested delaying fixing the date for a special EC conference on monetary union for a year had led to a stark and none too veiled warning from the President of the European Commission , Mr Jacques Delors , that this might plunge EC relations with West Germany ‘ into a serious crisis ’ .
16 In a very short space of time — just a few decades — the industrial moths had gone through a small but distinct evolutionary step .
17 During the first half of the year , Aoun 's " war of liberation " against Syria had degenerated into a bloody and pointless battle with the Lebanese Forces ( LF ) militia for control of the Christian heartlands .
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