Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Graduate would be financed and released by Embassy Pictures , the company Joseph E. Levine had formed in the late fifties to exploit cheap European spectacles such as the Hercules films with muscle-man Steve Reeves , which brought in millions of dollars .
2 From the outside it looked as if the NAMIBIA players surrounding their coach-cum-manager-cum-union President , Henning Snyman , had gathered for the ritual pre-match huddle .
3 Early on , she demanded from each member a list of the people they had consulted during the previous three months .
4 The idea of a holiday in the north-west of the Iberian peninsula had developed in the preceding six months .
5 By the mid-1920s they no longer had the harsh appearance that they had developed in the immediate pre-war years …
6 The Chief Officer needed to contribute to this work and to help the Council maintain the influence in higher education it had developed in the previous six years , and to develop public awareness of the Council 's aims and activities .
7 This exhibited in an outward and visible form the power of the papacy as it had developed by the late twelfth century .
8 His self-conscious gaucheness vanished as if it had evaporated in the thin cold air of the mountains and he found friends .
9 Rogers had flown over the Front many times , and he thought of it as two huge armies entrenched against each other , launching and repelling attacks massively and obviously ; but now , he supposed , the fog must have dissolved the armies into isolated soldiers , each fighting his own tiny battle , with no way of knowing whether his side was winning or losing .
10 The satellite was first conceived as a successor to the ANS ( Astronomical Netherlands Satellite ) which the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs ( NIVR ) had flown in the early 1970s .
11 I had heard about the new economic empires of the East : Japan , Korea , Taiwan , Singapore , Malaysia … yet it was a surprise to realise how fast these giants are probing their tentacles deep into Sarawak 's ‘ Heart of Darkness ’ .
12 When my father tired of the pretence involved in this relationship ( for he was n't as weak as they had tacitly agreed ) he had hastened to the other extreme and married a woman who , as my mother was fond of remarking , you could pour into a jug .
13 He had made some fragmentary notes on some of the competition entries , and had commented on the recent Parliamentary debate at the meeting of the Architectural Photographic Association in February 1859 , at which Street was the main speaker .
14 In the interval he had travelled to the extreme Left wing of English politics at that time , and swung back again to the Right with vigour and determination .
15 20–6 Mrs McIver , wife of the Moderator , asked to be relieved of the duty of leader of praise which she had undertaken for the past two years .
16 Owen had fallen into the familiar rhetorical style of the Arab .
17 Hitherto galleries had been living-rooms presenting pictures as ‘ adjuncts to polite living ’ , but Kasmin had fallen for the new American abstract painting and wanted the clean New York look to go with it — the neutral , bare , well-lit space demanded by the strictures of the art .
18 He had booked for the full residential weekend , as he did every time one was held .
19 The increases were necessary , it was announced , because the burden of government subsidies had quadrupled over the past 10 years .
20 But although they had vanished by the late 1950s , together with beggars from most European stations , the importunate begging hand thrust through the window of the railway carriage remains common throughout much of the Third World .
21 I WAS once interviewed for a radio programme on BBC and was asked how deaf people had fared during the past 20 years .
22 Even before the earthquake of 1977 had provided the opportunity and excuse for clearance , various Romanian architects and planners but also potential patrons , from Carol II onwards , had looked on the so-called burnt-palace site as a suitable location for redevelopment .
23 Its leader , Mahmut Alinak , who in May had resigned from the Social Democratic Populist Party ( SHP — the junior party in the governing coalition ) said that he hoped that the OZEP would absorb the former Kurdish nationalist People 's Labour Party ( HEP ) .
24 Pozsgay , the first senior Communist party official to admit publicly that the 1956 uprising was a popular revolt , had resigned from the Hungarian Socialist party in November 1990 because he no longer felt that any existing political party totally reflected his views .
25 He remembered every single one of the stolen meetings ; how he had gone to her bedchamber by night , how she had come into the warm drowsy afternoons to find him , when everyone was busy about something and no one knew where anyone was and she would not be missed .
26 Formally , however , Sussex had come into the mainstream English religious experience .
27 What sins , what meannesses , what grave errors I had committed in the previous ten years had been forgiven me .
28 The Red Pied Swedish ( RSB ) had originated in the late nineteenth century from the use of Ayrshire and Shorthorn bulls from Britain on local Herrgård and Småland cows ; Ayrshires had been imported from Scotland from 1847 to 1907 and a Swedish Ayrshire cattle association was formed in 1899 .
29 The Unity Campaign could hardly avoid the accusation that it was creating a new organization to invite Labour Party members to work together with Communists , which every Labour Conference decision had forbidden over the previous ten years .
30 Parliament on March 20 passed legislation allowing the establishment of independent radio and television stations and news agencies , thus ending the state broadcasting monopoly which had applied since the early 1950s .
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